TITLE: Bickering
jaricchiPAIRING: Sakumoto
GENRE: Fluff/Friendship
TYPE: One-Shot
SUMMARY: Day 3 of 30day OTP Challenge. Sho knew that watching movies with Jun was such a pain, but technically, he was fine with that.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Day 3. Watching a movie/game . It's getting shorter isn't it...
It was such a pain watching movies with Jun.
Sho knew that.
But still he continued to do it.
First off, their favourite genres clash but Sho always made a point to let Jun decide (occassionally suprised when Jun chooses the one he wanted to watch).
Then, there was the snacks they wanted to eat.
Now that was an awful thing to fight on. They both want chips (screw their diet) --- but they fought over the flavor. Maybe they'd get something healthy instead? But no, they were definitely were not eating raisins, Jun. They could get take out? But damn it Sho, we had Chinese last time too!
So yes, things always get messy when Sho watches movies with Jun.
But that's okay. Because once the movie starts, everything goes okay.
As okay as it could be (they would bicker, squibble and fought over aspects in the movie), it always ended up with both of them not knowing the ending (unless it was Harry Potter).
But that's okay.
It was fun.
Plus they could get to spend time with each other.
So they bicker, so what? That was just another part of what made them...them.
Author's Notes: Rawr. I will slowly update them. But I'm sleep deprived right now, I'll deal with all of this when I'm sober. COMMENTS as always ARE LOVE.
30 Day LIST ||
DAY 01 ||
DAY 02 ||