wow, i'm just glad i got out of this when i did. it's like all through this relationship, i started to like you less and less and now i realize that you're just a complete prick.
but yeah, definitely keep on saying "fuck you, you deceitful douche-bitch." that'll definitely make things better for you.
so last week was the longest week ever. i wrote about some of it.... there was also the lockdown (sooo much fun, huebner is the most hilarious man alive.), the iceberg prject, oh god i don't know what else
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today i chilled around the house all morning and watched tv in my pjs, and then we went to pick charith up from his house (because his parents won't let him use the car?). i drove there on 18 and the weather was bad and it was terrifying but i did well
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psats were not really a big deal, no essay or anything. they were pretty short (especially with carla lounsbury as proctor) and we got out before 11:30
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