gooood evening.
I was planning on giving you a rundown of my cool-ass weekend (involving the city w/ Ross, taking my life in my hands with Kristine, and having my brother, Princeton student that he is, call me a playa). But I lost my motivation.
I want it to be fucking April 1st already so I can figure out where I'm going to goddamn college. I hate how I keep trying to figure out if I have a first choice or not, or where I would go if... but I can't do anything until I get all my damn answers. It's so scary to know that in less than 2 months I'll have sent a response to one of eight places saying, "Yeah, I'm going here!" But idk which place that would be.
I mean, I do love the South, but could I really live there? Vanderbilt's in fucking Tennessee, which is pretty damn different from Jersey. But at the same time, I am looking for something opposite of Bernards High. And I had such a good time at Wake, so I mean I'm sure I'd be happy at any of the Southern schools. Obviously, Wake, Duke, W&M, and Vandy are all really different, but I mean in general southern vs. northern schools.
And then where do the other ones fit in? Harvard and Brown are sooo different from any of the Southern schols I applied to. And at this point, idk how I feel about Georgetown at all. I guess it's in DC which is good, but I mean who knows if I'll even get in?
What I've figured out so far is that if I don't get in anywhere else besides what I know now, it'd be between Wake and William & Mary. At this point, I'm fairly sure I won't end up at Vanderbilt. Ehhh and I really don't want to go to Princeton, but then again I probably won't get in anyway! So I mean I can't narrow down stuff until I have stuff to narrow down, I guess. But I want to start crossing stuff off. Come on April 1st, why are you 19 days away?!
Yeah, see kids, this is what not doing your work leads to: overanalyzation to the max. Don't do it!
Alright, back to filling out the EEC application and not doing hw.