Title: Missing underpants
flyingboxPairing: Sakumoto, Ohmiya Jun-centric
Genre: Friendship, attempted humor
Rating: PG-13
Length: 835 words
Disclaimer: The pan is mine~
Summary: Jun really wished that waking up that Sunday morning didn't involve missing underpants, a Sho-shaped cock and boyish moans from Nino.
AN: Once again, thanks to
blutigertod for beta-reading it ♥
It was a cloudy Sunday morning when it first happened, when Matsumoto Jun noticed that a pair of his underpants was missing. An hour and sixteen minutes had passed since the cock had been crowing on their housetop - and Jun secretly suspected his neighboring to release the damn volatile thing every morning just to make sure the whole area would end up being woken up - and he was eleven minutes and thirty three seconds away from having a nice breakfast, according to his watch and to his everyday schedule. Still, a rather complex dilemma offered him two possible ways to deal with a pretty compromising problem: killing the chicks before having breakfast or after.
Chicks were innocent, cute creatures and weren't so much of a bother unless they had some kind of direct relationship with King Cock mentioned earlier, even if he doubted very much that Sho had any sort of connections with them (though Jun could picture himself very well chasing after a cock with a pan in his right hand, for lack of a better device to use.) His glance deviated from his window to his bottom drawer, and he sighed for the seventh time since he realized the forty-fifth pair of boxer shorts was nowhere to be found (and the laundry was completely done.) The said drawer consisted on a line-up of Jun's boxers according to their dominant color, their overall comfort in standards Jun alone could specify, and how well he liked them. Jun eventually muttered to himself that his breakfast could wait, as he stepped out of his room and quickly went down the spiral staircase.
The other three must have been sleeping off their headache after getting badly drunk last night Jun assumed when he reached the first floor, and that was enough of an explanation as to why Nino's and Aiba's doors were wide open while Ohno's was not. Plus, he could tell from the whines he heard as he made the wood stairs creak noisily under his heavy footsteps that the complaints were all coming from the same room, and that both Aiba and Nino must have found themselves sleeping in Ohno’s bed at some point in the early morning for some unknown reason (the three of them went off to bed before he came back home and Jun was positive that Nino and Aiba had returned to their respective rooms in the first place, so that just made sense to him.)
Jun frowned when Nino's bright laughter rang out through the floor, and then winced in disgust when it turned into a hushed moan, wondering out loud what Ohno was doing to him and if Aiba was a part of it.
Soon enough, he was downstairs and turned left in order to face the one he was expecting to meet in the kitchen. Sho stilled right after he heard the steps, and carefully put down his steaming coffee cup on the counter. He didn't look back until he finally heard him coming into the kitchen. They then exchanged a look, and Jun could tell from the way Sho was behaving - nonchalantly, that is - that he was right for thinking that he was the source of his early-morning torments.
"Show me your underpants."
"You're having weird fantasies, Jun," Sho replied in disbelief. He chuckled a little at the request and carried the cup to his lips again. "I always knew that I was sort of a part of your fantasies - well, I found it out when I realized you weren't exactly talking nonsense while you nap - but I was sincerely hoping that you wouldn't voice you er-sexual desire out of your sleep."
"I'm not talking about that; you're wearing my underpants."
"I'm so not wearing them."
Sho observed Jun's next movements and became alarmed when the latter opened the cupboard to get his hands on a pan and began to chase after Sho as he made his way out of the house in his slippers.
Jun had always been a thrill seeker, but this time it was much more than just getting a chance to beat Sho to death; he'd prove to him that his fantasies actually consisted on hitting a Sho-shaped cock with a pan in his right hand.
Meanwhile in the no-longer-very-quiet house, Nino couldn't stop himself from wriggling convulsively under Ohno's tickles, not caring if his gales of laughter would wake his dumb friend sleeping on the floor (Aiba mysteriously always managed to fall out of bed, and he was very, very loud when he snored.) When they stopped, Nino breathlessly began to play with the hem of Ohno’s underwear, which had mainly girly patterns on it.
"Whose underpants are these? I've never seen you wearing underwear with bears and hearts before..."
"Jun's," Ohno stated casually.
Nino couldn't help but burst out laughing, forcing Aiba out of his deep sleep as he mumbled something about them all being involved in an attack by sparkling hearts and pink bears.
Five Ways to Go Home