A bitter day, everything will erase this way
Someday it will all be forgotten
I will probably smile when the time comes, but for now I can’t do anything about it.
She angrily crumbled the photograph that carved his sharp jaw line and notorious smile. She cursed indignantly as she fought back the tears that were about to fall.
She wished she could move along like him. But as she straightened the photo of him for the umpteenth time, she knew this was going to be an unsuccessful and bitter day.
Even though the weather is nice, I don’t feel good at all.
A thirty five degrees blazing sun that threatened to melt her signaled for the summer. If it were another day she would’ve grabbed her phone and called her friends for a beach party. But for now she wished the rain would come and curled under the heat of her comfort zone.
Feels like its making fun of me, I start to get angry.
The phone starts ringing endlessly and she flings various objects to make it stop. It didn’t and she was forced to growl and bring herself to the phone at the neat corner of the room.
“Stop moaning around, Soo Jung, and come out for ice cream.”
And the line was dead; she was dead too in a different kind of way.
Drowning in a difficult situation, I start to thrash.
She heaved herself into the kitchen when her stomach betrayed her and began to grumble hungrily. The fridge was empty; she was too. Maybe she should’ve taken up on her best friend’s offer.
But the world is the exact opposite, it spins perfectly fine as if nothing is wrong.
She quickly pushed a few buttons on her phone and popped a lousy jumper on. No one was going to notice her anyway so why bother trying. With a click of the door she was out in the open.
Being out in the open she felt more vulnerable. She could see the happy faces of the people on the outside. It was almost like they were mocking her useless self. A groan escaped her lips as she began to run for the ice cream parlor just around the corner.
And you are also living well, it’s not fair, this is really not fair.
There he was, standing by the counter beside her best friend and ordering. She was about to run out when she was caught by Jinri’s watchful eyes.
“Jungie, you came!”
She pulled the hood down and strained a smile. It wasn’t too hard; she was an actress after all.
“This is Jongin.”
Her best friend gestured the young tanned man beside her who in turn bowed his head slightly. It didn’t even more than a few minutes for her to see the smile he flashed towards her friend to realize that she was already replaced.
Suddenly the clouds turned gray and the whole world started to spin. Jinri’s expression turned into a worried one. He turned sour. It was as if the realization had begun to sink in and she had lost all the willpower to live.
Before she could collapse, she darted out the door and sucked in the outside air.
Even the stares from the people passing by showed sympathy for me.
The sun was not shinning anymore. People weren’t smiling anymore. They were not mocking her anymore. They were taunting her. Their sympathy wasn’t what she needed.
Suddenly, a light blue and red bus stopped right beside her. Although she couldn’t hear it, the bus was calling for her to step inside. That was exactly what she did.
Nothing is working out for me and I missed the stop I was supposed to be off.
The next stop was hers. She was meant to click the big red button. But her fingers were too curled up to moved and her whole body seemed to freeze in its place. Maybe this was her body’s way of telling her to stop following her head and to follow her heart.
A bitter day, everything will erase this way.
Maybe heaven was a better place than home.
So, I was just browsing around my playlist and I realized the first song on my playlist was A Bitter Day by Hyuna, G.Na and Junhyung. At first it was going to be a JunAra coupling because they are starting to grow on me. But then I realized this song was wayyy to depressing for them. So I opted for my favourite OTP of all time. Sorry for being so Kaistal baised. But do enjoy. Sorry if it's blegh. It is blegh. I am blegh. Blegh blegh blegh.
P.s, the grey and italics are the lyrics.