The Daft Punk show was easily the best concert I've ever gone to, and will ever attend. The talent flowing from the pyramid infected everyone, and it was the only show I've been to where everyone was just going crazy to the pulsating music and spectacular light show...I had Daft Punk stuck in my head for the longest time. I still get the shivers when I think about what I saw. And the fact that there were almost 20 or so of us all gathered to witness aliens coming down out of a spaceship and giving everyone the best night of their life makes it that much better. I loved locking eyes with a close friend, realising what we were dancing to, and then just grinning like idiots and dancing like it was the chance we had and basically going really was a show nine years in the making.
Click here for a sample of perfect If that was the last thing I ever hear or see, I will die a happy boy.
I know this just sounds like one giant hyperbole, but it was the quintessential dance party/DJ set, and words will not even to begin to describe what I went through. I know I haven't really described what actually went on, but I wouldn't even know where to start. Daft Punk had up to three or four songs mashed up, with the lights going along perfectly to the notes. THey gave the audience a 20 or 30 minute encore. They finished it off by having all the lights go off except for the words Daft Punk written in bright red lighting on the back of their robot suits. Haha, I'm failing miserably at this, and probably ruining it for everyone, so I'm going to stop now.