Volume 4, Chaptre 15 - “Trust and Blood”
It was a relief that our main group of characters survived the crash, though I kind of expected that they would. However, some interviews and reports hinted that they wouldn’t, so there was some worry there. By the way, my brother pointed out the previous week that the characters with powers who were on the plane together (the ones that we know anyway) included - someone with telepathy, a scientist with enhanced strength/agility, someone with ice powers, and someone who can fly (well at least at that point we thought that Peter had that power). If Hiro or Claire had optic blasts/beams that would have been representing the originl five X-Men.
Glad to see Matt and Mohinder working together again. It was sad to me that they were out of touch for so long. I didn’t know what Matt was doing at first when he broke into that trailer, I kind of wondered if maybe he was in a trance that was leading them to someone important in there. Were those crayons or markers that he got from there? Anyway, poor Matt. I worry about him since the precog painters tend to not live very long on this show. Hopefully Matt won’t carry on that tradition.
Good thing that Hiro did not put on that really weird redneck shirt! Though it was a good plan to put on the civilian clothes.
Ando trying to book the flight to Arkansas was amusing. Good thing Daphne showed up to help, though maybe not in the long run. For her, I mean. Ando and Daphne standing by that bar (it was a bar wasn’t it). They make a good team though. That was sad, how Ando was clinging to his killing Hiro in the future being reason to believe that Hiro had to be alive.
Now, I don’t believe that Daphne is truly dead. For one, on the Heroes related gossip places they said that there was a blonde in a new relationship who would seem dead but there was a coverup going on. At first I had been hoping that was Elle, but I highly, highly doubt that. So I’m thinking that was meaning Daphne. Though, I guess things could have changed since then. Hopefully Daphne is still alive though. I don’t blame Matt for turning the gunmen against each other with his telepathic powers.
The Hunter is really screwed up. Part of me wonders if he secretly has powers, though I don’t know what kind. Probably though, he just really really hates people with abilities. Or maybe just people in general. He doesn’t seem like there will be anything redemptive about him, or anything morally grey.
Peter and Tracy working together was kind of interesting. Good plan with the stealing the uniforms and that one guy’s cell phone.
I was not expecting that Peter’s new ability only allows him to have one other person’s power at a time, and that the power goes away once he touches someone else with powers. That kind of sucks as it seems that it could definitely lead to Peter being in a situation where he really needs one particular power of someone he knows and he can’t access it because they aren’t there or he’s touched someone else and unknowingly winds up with a power he doesn’t need/want/know how to control.
Of course Nathan came with backup! Why does he want to lock up the people with powers so badly? What exactly does he think the good of people with powers being locked up would be?
I wasn’t totally sure if Mr. Bennet meant what he said to Claire about not hurting her friends (or something like that), so I was glad to see that at least when it comes to Peter he’s keeping his word about that. He was totally lying to the military guy that he coulnd’t get a shot on Peter. This is Mr. Bennet we’re talking about! He’s generally a good shot, from what we know. It was also good to see Nathan thanking Mr. Bennet for letting Peter get away. I guess that at least shows us that he still cares about his brother.
Nathan is so turning in Angela ASAP now that she isn’t going to take part in his plans anymore. If he does turn her in as someone with powers, that is pretty stupid if he’s trying to keep that he can fly from people. I mean, the government knows that his brother and daughter both have abilities, and if they find out his mother does too, wouldn’t that make them really suspicious of his having powers too? I’m betting Nathan hasn’t thought about that. And then, you know, Tracy announcing to the hidden camera that Nathan is one of them, that adds additional evidence. It’s really too bad that Nathan has gone crazy.
It surprised me that Gabriel/Sylar had kidnapped and was torturing that agent. I figured he was going to kill him and steal his identity. Torture just doesn’t seem like Gabirle/Sylar’s thing to me. He crackd me up though with his saying to Luke’s mother, while looking through their mail, “well, you must be Mary (whatever her last name is) or curret resident.” But why he decided to torture them, I don’t really get either. Loved the jaded response he has now to his lie detector power, and that he let Mary know that Luke was lying about using drugs. That was thoughtful. You can certainly see how he would feel like his situation was similar to Luke’s, however, I’m pretty sure that when he was Luke’s age, he did not get into fights and lie about stuff like Luke does. I would guess that teenage Gabriel was more the type to be bullied or ignored by his classmates, and that he probably was pretty reserved/shy, given how he was when he was introduced in the series. But I’m sure he did have issues with his parents. But there’s definitely a connection/understanding between the two of them.
Mary’s response to finding out that Luke has powers was reminiscent of Virginia Gray’s - although Luke’s power was demonstrated in a more destructive way. I still don’t get why Virginia freaked out so much when Gabriel used his power to create a pretty snowglobe effect for her. Anyway, it did surprise me a little that Luke saved Gabriel/Sylar’s life.
Prior to this volume starting I had read that Gabriel/Sylar was going to go on a road trip with a “troubled teen”, and sometime after that I had a dream in which I was watching an episode of Heroes or something and it was revealed that Gabriel/Sylar and the troubled teen were brothers or half brothers or something like that. Now I’m assuming that isn’t the case because of the way that Mary talked about Samson Gray, but part of me still kind of wonders.
I was happy to see the return of Sandra. I really like her and was a little concerned that she wasn’t in the first episode this volume. Too bad though that she was kept in the dark, again, about what was really going on in Claire and Mr. Bennet’s lives.
I wonder who Rebel is?
Volume 4, Chapter 16 - “Building 26”
Loved the breakfast at the Bennet’s opening scene. Loved that they were having waffles, and that the whole family was together. Good to see Lyle again, and I liked that he was questioning his dad’s fake job as a consultant. I wonder if he’s supposed to be consulting for Copy Kingdom? Maybe he is working as a consultant of sorts though, for Nathan’s group. So, Mr. Benne likes Brown? It’s sad that he started with the lying again to Sandra. I mean, I understand that he did it to protect her, and Lyle too I guess, but it was just so much better when he was being open with Sandra and she could help him. I’m kind of betting that Claire will not go to Costa Verde Community College this volume, however, maybe she will and will become a cheerleader there? Do they have cheerleading at community colleges? I guess that depends on if the college has a sports team.
I also love that it seems like Gabriel/Sylar likes listening to the radio when in the car. First we saw him flipping through channels when he and Mr. Bennet were supposed to be working together last season, and now he’s got the radio on during this road trip as well. I was getting irritated with Luke though, when kept lying to Gabriel/Sylar about where Samson is. My brother pointed out to me that it seemed to him that Luke was just trying to test the lie detection power, which is probably the case. Very interesting that Gabriel/Sylar doesn’t think of himself as a serial killer and was offended that Luke called him that.
How the hell did Nathan’s team get all those cameras installed around the country for tracking people with abilities?
Nice to see Sam’s comics again. I guess they’re a chain store? It seems like Alex could be an interesting character. It also seems like he might become a potential love interest for Claire. I guess that could be okay.
I wonder if Ando and Annapurna might become a couple? Though I kind of feel like we won’t see her again. It was cool to have Ando be a hero on his own, but too bad that Hiro got jealous of that. Maybe having done a heroic thing by himself, that involved getting some admiration from a girl, will cause Ando to become more inclined to go with HIro’s plan of him being a superhero.
I’ve read that Abby is going to be appearing more than this episode. And I kind of wonder, too, if things might get shippy with her and Nathan. Which once again makes me wonder, what happened to Heidi and the boys? Will we ever see/hear about them again? I liked them.
I liked Gabriel/Sylar’s telling Luke to stop it with using his powers for no reason, and the speech he gave him about using your powers only when you have a true motivation, etc. The advice about keeping a clear head because emotions make you sloppy, I think that’s something that he definitely struggles with, and I think that he struggles with believing that too. Sometimes it seems like he thinks that he’s so closed off from emotion and attachmens and whatnot, but it does seem like there is really a lot of feeling and caring within him that maybe he’s scared to give in to.
It was good that Claire told Sandra what was really going on, but too bad that she wouldn’t hear Mr. Bennet out about why he’s really doing it. He was so sad whenhe was explaining the situation to Claire, so heartbroken. And I think he was making it sound better than things really are. I feel like Sandra kicked him out, and not as a temporary thing either. Hopefully they can work things out though. I like the Bennet family being happy together, or just together. I also feel like a lot of things are leading up to the future from volume 1 coming to be the reality. We’re now seeing the separation of Sandra and Mr. Bennet; we’ve got Nathan orchestrating a messed up round up and locking up of people with abilities whilst pursuing political power; it seems totally plausible that Mr. Bennet’s involvement in Nathan’s plan might lead him to start a counter organization of helping people with powers go into hiding. I just feel like they’re trying to make that future happen.
Did not expect Claire to be hiding Alex in her closet. Wonder how long I will be till someone finds out about this. I’d like Lyle to discover Alex first. That would be entertaining.
Why does Matt need to be saved? And why/how does Rebel know about this? Is Rebel some kind of precog too? Or, could Rebel be Molly? I mean, knowing where people are at particular moments, wanting to have Matt specifically be protected? We don’t really know what’s up with her, but whoever the person is, it seems like they have to either have some variation on pre-cog powers or they have a power like Molly.
I was gladt hat Gabriel/Sylar went back for Luke. I figured that he would. Despite what he says, he definitely went back there for Luke and not what’s in that briefcase or whatever. It was amusing that the song that came on the radio was something about a psycho killer too.
Oh! Earlier, I was going to comment at how sad it was when Gabriel/Sylar was remembering riding in that red wagon being pulled by his father. I wonder how old he was when he was sold to his uncle and Virginia?
The kidnapping of Mr. Bennet was awesome! I bet that Matt planned it out as it was so very similar to when he was abducted by the Haitian and Mr. Bennet. I’m really excited to see how this plays out.