In which I get kinda game-happy

Mar 13, 2012 00:54

So the whole world is playing Mass Effect 3.

Except me.

I have nothing against the game, mind you, I've even played I think nearly half of it (don't ask me to where I honestly can't remember and this was when the game first came out) it just couldn't hold my interest. I think I just prefer my RPGs fantasy based. I may still play it one day, just not anytime soon.

I was looking forward to the new Silent Hill game, Downpour, but today I was looking up some info on the game (it comes out in America tomorrow) and now I'm really not sure. Some of the things I've heard about the content are making me back away slowly. I don't know anything for sure, and I suppose it would suck to have to read spoilers to find out, but there are some very certain things I just really get squicked out by in games and it seems like these days "anything goes" so I get really apprehensive.
Either way, definately not buying the game.

I have, however, been bidding on and buying some older survival horror games.

Despite my issues with the series, I did like Silent Hill Shattered Memories for the wii and put a bid on it.
I liked that it was a survival horror game with no combat, heavy emphasis on exploration and story, and I thought the therapist scenes were kinda random in a good way.

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Plus I maintain that cover of "You Were Always On My Mind" is really nice and creepy.

Then I put a bid on a more obscure game, Haunting Ground. Basically you're a young girl named Fiona, you're trapped in a crazy castle and you're only friend is an adorable puppy. It's one I keep hearing about as a "great survival horror game" so I thought worth a bid.

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Wow, that trailer really likes showing off the dog mechanics. But I can assure you, it's better than the uber fanservicey others ones I found.

But the real piece de resistance is the one I actually did buy.
My favourite horror series is the Fatal Frame series, or Project Zero as it's known here in England. They are really scary and even though Silent Hill is the series which got me into survival horror properly, I think the storylines of the Fatal Frame/Project Zero games are much stronger and are closer to the mixture of terrifying and sad which I like in my horror. The second one in particular is my all time favourite horror game.
I've got the first two games, but never got the third. Had the oppertunity to once when it first came out, but passed over and now it's super rare. It goes for about £60 on eBay. So when I saw it somewhere for £22 I had to go for it.
You play as Rei, a photographer who is mourning the death of her boyfriend. She begins to have these strange dreams of a mansion and becomes haunted by the curse of a tattooed woman. Together with her asisstant Miku (protagonist from the first game) and friend Kei (uncle of twins Mio and Mayu from the second game) she has to uncover what happened in the mansion before they are all claimed by the curse.

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I am really looking forward to finally playing this game.

The fourth game in the series was on the Wii, but unfortunately was never released outside of Japan.
However they are doing a remake of the second game for the Wii, which WILL be released over here.

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I'm def gonna be getting this, I just think the camera mechanics will be so interesting with the Wii-remote.

Huh, so I guess there IS a game I'm looking forward to.

Anyways, I've rambled on for far too long.

Peace out.

ramble, gaming, ghosts, horror

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