Okay, as warned/promised/told I am going to do a track by track review of the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack.
Why you may ask? Well because it's my blog so there, and also it was a case of write about this or my continued failure in finding a job. That was a no-brainer.
Also keep in mind that whilst I listen to music and like music I don't actually know anything about music, so this is just my basic opinions and are probably totally wrong. But who cares. Let's get this show on the road.
Track 1- We Are Sex Bob-Omb by Beck (as Sex Bob-Omb)
This song we missed in the actual cinema, but apparently this is what they play in the opening credits. Apparently the outline Beck was given for the Sex Bob-Omb songs was so that you couldn't tell if they rocked or sucked. This has a nice beat and is a good song to start with, especially with Kim's "WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB" at the beginning.
Track 2- Scott Pilgrim by Plumtree
The song that started it all. Bryan Lee O'Malley basically got to thinking about what this guy would actually be like which is how he came to write and draw the Scott Pilgrim comic.
I really love this song. It's simple but has got a great, fun rock out quality to it. I've listened to a few more of Plumtree's songs and I really like them. Another song of theirs which I definately heard in the movie was "Go", as can be found here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR1D_lGmz2Y Track 3- I Heard Ramona Sing by Frank Black
The first of three songs with Ramona in the title. Really long intro, but that's actually probably the part I like best. That's not to say the rest of the song is bad. There's a nice mixture of sounds here and although it had to grow on me a little it has grown well.
Track 4- By Your Side by Breachwood Sparks
In one of his playlists as found in the back of the comic's volumes, O'Malley called this "the ultimate Scott Pilgrim love song" and I can see why. It just has such a nice quality to it. You could totally see yourself listening to this song whilst laying next to someone you love. And at the same time it could also be about a friendship. And it's got a background trippy quality to it that you could listen to it whilst half asleep.
Track 5- O Katrina by The Black Lips
This song is okay. Not amazing, but not bad either. Although something about it does give the impression that it should be danced to by girls in GoGo boots. It has that punchy quality that makes me want to do some kind of shimmy dance to it.
Track 6- I am Sad, So Very Very Sad by Broken Social Scene (as Crash and the Boys)
This track is 13 seconds long, including the introduction, the song itself and the introduction to the next song. Broken Social Scene are a very trippy floaty kind of band so this was a real casting against type. They do well I think, making this a big random explosion of noise.
Track 7- We Hate You Please Die by Broken Social Scene (as Crash and the Boys)
This is a song that is brilliantly bad. I like the guitar work, but it's so jumbled it doesn't work as a full song. It's quirky, and I do have a fondness for quirky.
Track 8- Garbage Truck by Beck (as Sex Bob-Omb)
I think the outline for this was basically "Sex Bob-Omb try to write a indie love song". Try because it's all not all that romantic. That said I do like it. It has a bit of a Brit Pop quality to it actually I think, all the Sex Bob-Omb songs do.
Track 9- Teenage Dream by T-Rex
This is a good song, but I'm not sure if it really fits. It sounds like it should be on a different soundtrack, possibly the Life On Mars one. Then again it may be that not obvious quality which made it work so well. The word quirky comes to mind once more. Also it works with the idea of prolonged adolescence which Scott is in.
Track 10- Sleazy Bed Track by The Bluetones
Very mellow and meloncholic, with a bit of a funky twist in the chorus. Cannot for the life of me remember where in the film it comes though. Another song you could listen to when half asleep.
Track 11- It's Getting Boring By The Sea by Blood Red Shoes
I recall this being in one of the trailers. It's okay. Not sure it's really my thing. However I could totally imagine a fight scene set to this.
Track 12- Black Sheep by Metric (as The Clash At Demonhead)
I love Metric. I was introduced to them a while back by
thewaterbandit with the song Monster Hospital and their album Fantasies is probably one of the most listened to albums I have. So when I heard they were doing the song for The Cash At Demonhead I was really happy. Wasn't sure about the song the first time I heard it, but I really like it now. Love the opening bit of "hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when.....*downg downg downg downg da* our common goal was waiting for the world to end". Also the title Black Sheep has been said by Edgar Wright to be quite representive of Scott and Envy's relationship.
Track 13- Threshold by Beck (as Sex Bob-Omb)
I'd say this is my favourite Sex Bob-Omb track. It's played during the battle with the Twins and it's just really kick ass. If I was going to have an epic fight I'd want this to be the song that was playing in the background when I had it. Black Sheep and this have been a popular song combo when listening to my iPod.
Track 14- Anthems For A Seventeen Year Old Girl by Broken Social Scene
It's good we got to hear Broken Social Scene with their proper sound. This is another one I wasn't sure about when I first heard it but now like it. The weird robot type voice in the background is kinda weird, but otherwise it's pretty nice. It's perfect for a lazy morning when you're neither here nor there.
Track 15- Under My Thumb by The Rolling Stones
A song about control over a woman. The feminist in me is just loving this *holds up sarcasm sign*. Apparently The Rolling Stones got a lot of flak about this when it came out. But this is totally Gideon's personal little victory song. You just know this is what he played when Ramona came back to him.
Track 16- Ramona (Acoustic) by Beck
Short, sweet and mellow.
Track 17- Ramona also by Beck
However I think I prefer the full version. Totally didn't realise this was the song in the first trailer before it all goes crazy. Again mellow, but also kinda groovy. Not quite the epic song about Ramona Scott said he was writing in the book, but it fits with the film very much.
Track 18- Summertime by Beck (as Sex Bob-Omb)
Out of the Sex Bob-Omb songs I like this one the least. It's just doesn't sound that different from the other songs of theirs to me. I think this is the one they play in Chaos Theatre. It does have a kinda teen rebel theme though, which is kinda cool.
Track 19- Threshold (8 bit) by Brian LeBarton
Thought this was kinda messy when I first heard it. However I could totally imagine this being played on a character selection screen of a fighting game. But I love 8bit music, so this does win for me.
Not gonns surprise you in the slightest that I liked this album. A couple of songs I skip when I'm not doing a full album listen, but it's all good stuff really.
Ummm........not sure what else to say. I suppose this is why I mainly review movies instead of music. Then again my movie reviews kinda suck so that's neither here nor there.
Only real criticism I could have is that I wish they could have included the Sex Bob-Omb and Clash At Demonhead tracks as sung by the actors, because I know there are recordings of them. But that one's pretty minor.
And as a random bounus, the Matthew Patel song Slick set to pages from the comic book:
Click to view
Yeah I said it'd probably grow on me and it has. It's that quirk factor again. Also I still think there was something odd about the sound mixing in the cinema. Probably my imagination though. The song itself is on the Score soundtrack.
And no, I won't do a review of the score. Mainly because it would suck and all I'd have to say on most of them is "yeah it's pretty cool". Like with the 8 bit Universal theme it'd be "yeah, so it's the Universal theme in 8 bit. Yeah it's pretty cool".
So yeah.
Peace out.