Aug 12, 2004 17:11
Unbelievable! It is so unbelievable that in this day and age someone's sexuality is even an issue!
Here comes the liberal/non partisan rant:
So somewhere along the line the party that fights for gay rights, Democrats, decides that their once divorced and decidedly homosexual candidate needs to get married and have a kid all for the sake of covering up his sexual identity. He finds a lover in Israel, the part works out a job for him in the government so there now "affair" can be carried out. This man for some reason decides to sue for sexual harrassment when the relationship is consensual.
Ok, first off. If the Democratic party did indeed require a wife for their gay candidate than they should all explode. If the man is gay, than he's gay and he runs as a gay man with a family or without and the rest of the state can suck it up and move their little minds out of the 1950's. Second, who is this drip who sues his ex-lover? I mean really you jack ass. You were set up with a job that wasn't rightfully yours and more money than you ever deserved and now you sue for sexual harrassment. You also need to explode. Third of all: THE GOVERNOR'S SEXUALITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS ABILITY TO HOLD OFFICE. If that ends up being the only reason this poor man has to resign, I will spontaneously combust.
I know this is all speculation at this point but we haven't gotten full coverage yet. Once we do, I'll rant in full. I have a feeling that there is some shit behind this that might be hitting the fan at a later time.
Till that happens. I LOVE MY GAY GOVERNOR! I support him for the Robin Hood law, his pro choice stance, his belief in a separate church and state, and for his courage in coming out to the whole world.
Let's just hope that the information revealed to us later doesn't tarnish him beyond repair.
That's all for now.