Feb 12, 2011 10:21
Did I promise to post everyday? My bad, if I did.
I'm still going strong.
And guess what!?!? I made vegan cookies last night! And they were yummy! Matt, Nate, and I went to Freddy's before going to M&Ms for game night. We got brown rice, bell peppers, mushrooms, and green onions, and made dinner- sorta like stir fry- with out meat or the fry. Then I got this vegan chocolate chip cookie mix, but it asked for eggs and butter....:/ tell me, how is that vegan? ANYWAY, so I substituted organic cinnamon apple sauce for the eggs, added a little vegetable oil instead of butter, then put some honey and organic peanut butter and mixed it and baked them and they were yummy! I love baking- so I was glad they came out okay. I also bought some organic whole wheat flour that I want to experiment with some of my bananas :)
Overall, I've been fine and I've been feeling better. I've noticed some changes. Weird changes. I think the biggest thing that I've found out about myself in just these first six days is how much I love coffee. I honestly don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Anyway, I think Meg OOOooooOO is gonna take me to Costco today. I am taking her for a pedicure at 1ish. I feel bad for the pedicurist- My feet are gross. I need to get in the shower and I have a ton- a TON of bible reading to do.
The days are getting longer and I'm still so thankful to be here. I love it so much here. I hope everyone is doing well. I will try to post tomorrow.