Iva's post to me ...

Oct 08, 2011 00:32

So, my buddy Lisa identified that I was feeling vulnerable thus easily sensitive about maybe being ignored by my BFF even though there were soooo many OTHER potential explanations but noooo. Anyways, Iva wrote me a separate wall post that I am cherishing with a huge smile and a bashful feeling lol.

From Iva:

Ohhhhh ye of little faith, did you not know that I would send an exclusive message to you with more time and devotion? LOL! Of course, you have been with me as I hiked with my walking poles and was greatly supported with the KT Tape through Ancient Ephesus where Paul wrote his Book to the Ephesians, marveling at the mosaic and intricate art of Christianity in one of the religious buildings in Hagia Sophia, and seeing some of the limited accessibility that was more than expected, and the bazaars where I bought you several special souvenirs just for you! I particularly wrote to you in my travel diary. And this is just a small taste of my travels that you will be privy of sharing upon my return back to you. ♥
hahhaha... phew..... oh friends..... Im glad she tolerates my vulnerable ridiculous moments so much better then she used to. Her first response on my FB post with Lisa's worried me a little :

My post included here but was about multiple things...

sigh.. Im being a baby... I have oral surgery on Tuesday and my BFF Iva Macaspac is in another country on vacation cut off from the Internet, etc however she posted a response this morning to someone else so I guess she got brief wi-fi but she didn't leave me a message. I know I shouldn't be a baby about it, feel a little green but im upset that she didnt send me a hello! Whaaa whaaa. its just been one of those weeks, I feel the world is against me....

then Lisa's response first <3 the opposite of my insanity!! lol as always!

  • Sounds like feeling vulnerable ♥ She probably saw she had a notification and responded quickly to it. Did you leave her a message?
    3 hours ago · Unlike · 
     2 people

  • Iva Macaspac Yes, as Lisa said, I had VERY, VERY limited internet access that I just discovered I could get and had to pay for which my bill is now $100 because it is $1/min. When I was about to send a message to you, it was time for me to go again and I ran out of time. I had to wait til today to send my own message to you separately when I have more time. It is gonna cost me dearly but you are worth it.
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 
     1 person

  • Velveteen Rabbits Yes, in my journal I had said that I'm sure there was a limited time issue and she wanted to address who had last written. I had said on the message I had wished I had left a post but I didn't because I didn't want to leave a bunch of messages showing up in a iPhone inbox from me! lolol or me and everyone else since I knew she was gone and all of that.

    Iva Macaspacthank you hon. Sorry im silly .. just crabby but glad to see you are OKAY!!! But sheesh $1.00 a minute. I had wondered if there would be internet access someplace but figured they would charge an arm, leg and a foot for it!! Ridiculous! Thanks for posting but I had worked it out in my journaling too. Its just as Lisa said.. I def. was just feeling vulnerable... what else is new? =( =/ ♥♥♥
    29 minutes ago · Like

Then she posted the message above above above and of course, I now feel loved loved loved.

I do wonder sometimes why my emotions will swing so drastically when I'm feeling really low. It's like I forget reality and just am way over emotional and reactive when the evidence clearly presents otherwise. Some little piece of me will think and know there are other explanations and I'm wrong or having a meltdown but the bigger overwhelming piece of me is yelling bad bad bad bad, and all of the other negative bits at me thats hard to ignore. I really really find that is what gets me into the most trouble and I'm not sure how to tune out that part and listen to the tiny voices of wise mind going alternative explanations. I tend to be a very logical person, calm and non reactive but then all of the sudden, Im not. When did all of this start? I wasn't always like this? I feel like at some point everything became out of control fo rme, i got sick of being the calm , justice, peace person and became erratic and out of control.... angry.. very angry.... I used to not be so angry... where di all of this anger erupt from.... thats what it is.. an ERUPTION like volcanic lava through me!!! It's a real problem that I would like to get to the root of because its causing me a lot of communication issues that I do not intend to happen nor want to represent me....

travels, friends, explosive, emotions, feelings, love, vulnerability, anger

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