Dec 10, 2016 15:06
So much has happened. I spent a year and four days in Evansville State Hospital where I thought I met the man of my dreams. We got married, I knew better even before we got married because of what happened the day he got home but everyone expected it and if we wouldn't have gotten married it would have complicated so many things, so I did it.....and I wish I wouldn't have. He tried to burn my apartment down and now sits in a psychiatric hospital. I tried to kill myself last Friday, something I thought I was over. I got serveral medication changes yesterday and am waiting to see how those work. Things are just a mess in my life. My eating disorder was doing SO well up until everything started happening. But I'm working on getting a job and I joined the y so I'm working hard to get it back under control by taking control back of my life in a healthy way. I have amazing friends which helps. I'm being evaluated for an eating disorder place on December nineteenth so that should help. They have different groups and also indivdual therapy that focuses on trauma, ocd, anxiety and specifically eating disorders, so it's perfect for me. My life is messy right now and I'm not sure how I'm going to get through it, but for now, I'm going to keep trying