Another dollar, another day.

Jul 07, 2008 20:47

So I've been having allergies for what seems like ever, although it's only really a week, maybe. Which kind of sucks. And I couldn't deal with people, so by the end of camp today I only made it as far as the gas station buy diet coke and now I've had lots of hummus and some leftover frozen yogurt and watched some Bones and played some Mario Kart for the Wii and now am having some oatmeal (where I think it got a little damp from my water bottle this afternoon, but I doubt it will kill me) and yeah.

It's been a day.

But I got to be INSIDE A BUBBLE TODAY. The Bubble Man did his show for the kids and asked if any grownup wanted to be in a bubble and everyone else had a look of "uh... no" on their face and I basically said, "uh, yes please!". So that was pretty awesome.

I kind of want to run a load of laundry, but I fear that will keep me up too late. Although I guess I could pick up my room and tidy things while that occurred.

Since I handed in my lesson plans for summer camp, I don't really remember what I said I was doing tomorrow afternoon. Bummer? But the morning is mostly painless workbook pages and math games in summer school. Second graders (who I still kind of think of as first graders, until I really think about it) are pretty cute.

Another GIP of sorts, because Robert Downey Jr. is all kinds of awesome. Makes me want to dig out Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, although I only have it in iPod format, and that's kind of crappy resolution.

Sigh. Should post this before my battery runs out and I have to sprint back to my room and plug in my computer. Night!

angsty ranting

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