Socialising has turned into a weak point for me, recently. I was never great at it (I don't people realise how much I love my flat), and I'm getting worse. So, sorry i missed your party Douglas - that was poor of me. I didn't even check my phone till much later on because I was playing Liberty City Stories. I shall make it up to you, because I really need to make more of an effort to see people I once considered my friends (which i still do, but they may not).
Was in London for the day last week, where I took a couple of nice photos, received my annual appraisal and met up with some friends. I won't say i was drunk when I got on the Sleeper home, but that's only because I'd be lying. Met a guy while out that owns nearly £6m worth of property in london. it sounds really impressive until you ask him how many properties. Three. And they're all two bedroom flats, with no parking. That city is insane.
The bar I met my friend, Kelly, at was in The Sanderson hotel, a really beautiful and very quirky hotel with Dali inspired decor in some places, and really strange lighting. Kelly was late, and I decided to have a drink.
David: Hello, I would like a delicious vodka and coke, thank you.
Barman: Yes - that will be £10.80
David: You are aware I merely want a vodka and coke, not a whole bottle of your finest Glenn's?
Barman: Yes, and now you are aware it costs £10.80
(note: this conversation is fictional, but the relevant points and the gist of the discussion are the same)
Well, that put me in my place.
I've been watching True Blood most of the weekend, as well as having an argument in Game and my usual girlfriend related entertainments.
True Blood has grown on me. The first episode is a complete mess, honestly. It veers between Grand Guignol horror, high camp and portentous sincerity - unsurprisingly, it didn't really work. But I persevered, and having finished season one I'm happy to have found it makes me laugh and want to boke in equal measures. Good characters, good writing and a nasty way of turning on its head when you least expect - I like.
Music... ugh... I'm ready to get the album mastered, but need to think about actually doing the thing I'm worst at - arranging some gigs. I've been told by a few places that they'd like me to play a 30-45 minute set, but I'm stil procrastinating about what to play, how to play it, do I add some covers in. Work fucked up my first pay since getting promoted last month, but the back pay should give me enough cash to master and have the album packaged fairly professionally. It's the packaging that's on my mind though - I want to do something nice, but think i need to actually sell a few copies at gigs before being so much of the perfectionist.
On top of that, I've been writing some new stuff, but that's just to stop myself from stopping entirely - which it'd be all too easy to do right now. Ordered a natty little device to let me play my Hot Rod properly, but at lower volumes. Hurrah!
The argument in Game isn't worth going into, but it's the first time I've ever made a complaint about an individual employee in a store. Not a nice thing to happen when i'd been in a good mood on Saturday.
Note: Niki, I hadn't even heard of the NaNoWriMo thing before you and a few others posted it in various places. But I love the following line from their "About Us" section:
Who: You! We can't do this unless we have some other people trying it as well. Let's write laughably awful yet lengthy prose together.
It sounds like what I end up trying to correct every day - I may try next year.
Photos included below: