I'm breathing deep before I spread those maps out on the bedroom floor

Sep 06, 2006 22:23

[mood |
*wah* ]

Some Sweden photographs! I'm off to bed :)

Stockholm’s narrow squeeze alley!

Stockholm Armé Museum - I couldn’t help but think of Night Watch (which I was reading at the time).

The Nighttrain to Östersund, that’s where I spend my birthday this year!

Statue near the Storsjölake.

There was a concert by an artist called Sven Ingvar near the Jamtli hostel. Afterwards there was dancing!

The hostel was situated inside the Jamtli Historieland Museum, a museum with an indoor and an open air section that showed the history of Jämtland.

Bushcrafting, finally! One week in the forest with three other ‘trainees’ and two guys in leather pants who showed us the ropes. *smirk*

Dinner was veggie stew, freshly caught fish and capercaillie (which is a type of wild bird that, yes, was also very, um, freshly caught…)


My bedroom! Best view in the world when you wake up :)

I travelled to Lapland on the Inlandsbanen and was in awe. What a gorgeous country!

A lake with as many islands as the year has weeks.

The train.

Above the Arctic Circle you don’t get real darkness in summer.

Wild rivers aplenty.

Once more with feeling.



I stopped in Kopenhagen on the way back and found the statue of one of my favourite fairytale writers.

Sweet dreams!


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