Life "Plan" Update (a very fluid concept right now!)

Dec 30, 2006 00:22

    I don’t do well when I have nothing I have to get done.  I tend to develop a twitch and a glazed expression.  I’m home for Christmas, and we keep getting snowed in!  A week ago we got about two feet of snow, then yesterday we got over another foot, and it’s supposed to keep snowing off and on all the way through Sunday.  At least I have shoveling to keep me sort of busy!
    One thing I have been working on is my degree proposal.  The life plan at the moment is for me to leave NTBI at the end of May (sob!) and move back to Colorado to finish my BA.  I’m planning on doing an Individualized Studies program where I basically get to put together my own degree.  The major emphases are going to be literacy instruction and non-profit organization management/development.  Basically I want to be equipped to teach literacy overseas and also possibly start a non-profit organization/school.  I’ve picked out the courses I want, and now it’s just a long process of putting my formal proposal together, in which I have to explain exactly what I want to do, why, and why the courses I’ve chosen are applicable.
    The problem with putting all that together is that my future plans are still extremely nebulous.  I don’t know where I’d be teaching or how, or even for sure that I’ll be teaching!  So, I’m really praying that God will make some pieces of the future fall into place over the next semester.  I’m definitely wanting to see definition to where God is leading me.  I want a plan of action, but Stacy and Michael and I can’t do much to plan until we know who the rest of our teammates are, what skills they have that we can use overseas, and what mission boards/churches we can work with.
    Some things have happened lately that have made me see that I’m really going to have to clearly paint and defend this vision in order to get people behind me.  It’s very hard for me to trust God on that one, and discouraging.  My tendency is to pour all my energy into figuring how I can manipulate people to get behind me, instead of trusting Him that its His vision and He’s more than capable of getting His people behind it.  I forget that He’s the one that will get me overseas, not other people.  Some people are very encouraging, though.  I talked with my pastor’s wife, and she really wants to do some things to help the church see how they can get involved in missions, so I’m excited to move back here and have a few years to work with that.
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