It all comes back to Ace Attorney

Mar 22, 2012 16:18

I am finally watching these 30 Rock DVDs I bought on Black Friday. The first season is so amazing, but am I crazy or is the second season not that great? The writing is amateurish and nonsensical, rather than the delicate balance of over-the-top eccentricity and heartfelt realism* that I have come to expect after the first season. I had such high hopes for the second season, too, after its first episode. "Things have been said that can never be taken back. She called my vanity license plate 'inscrutable'!" Oh god, it doesn't stop being funny. Anyway, I'm hoping it's just a temporary (writers' strike?) thing and the later seasons are better.

The new Homestuck album had better come out soon. I mean, you know, whenever. I certainly haven't been checking the Bandcamp page and Andrew Hussie's tumblr and twitter multiple times a day in addition to the MSPA main page or anything. Oh god I am so overinvested in this soundtrack. Homestuck music, why must you be so good?*

I can't decide whether I hope Emissary of Wind and/or Joker Strife (from Land of Fans and Music) are on the album or not. On the one hand, if they aren't, that means more new music for me to listen to. On the other hand, I desperately want the people who wrote them to have my money. (The same is also true of Growin' Up Strider and, to a lesser extent, MeGaDanceVaNia, but those aren't about a single character and therefore won't be on the album, plus they remix existing music so the composers wouldn't get as much of my money.)

*Coincidentally, this is the same thing I love most about Ace Attorney, especially in Trials and Tribulations.

homestuck, ace attorney, soundtracks rule

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