
Feb 19, 2012 21:31

Oh man, gettin' drunk alone at home is the best way to spend the night before a holiday. On that note:


So guys, I finished playing Professor Layton and the Last Specter, aka Specter's Flute (which would have been a perfectly fine localization title for it IMO but what do I know) last night. Holy crap, it's the best Layton game so far. The plot didn't make me want to flip any tables at all! It was still pretty absurd though. But the mechanics were improved, and the minigames were all pretty fun, aaaaaaaand it was set before Curious Village, so there was no Flora! In fact, Emmy, the substitute token female character, is the first Layton character I haven't actively disliked! Even those assholes Layton and Luke weren't all that infuriating! I think this game must have been written by somebody different. Oh, it was funny too; I actually laughed out loud a bunch of times. I wish they hadn't recycled as much music as they did, but at least it wasn't like in the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie, where ALL the music was recycled from the previous one. I really liked the way the music was used in this game - there were some variations on a theme and the puzzle music was used during a cutscene. Nice!

In sum, the series is still not off the hook for the crime against humanity that was the plot of Unwound Future, but the stuff that has always been good stayed good in Last Specter, and the stuff that has always sucked managed to suck less.


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