Prettypony is my cute little girl chocobo! I am so excited! She hatched to day and she wants to be with me all the time. I am lame I know it.
Yesterday I offered to help Pebbs get his Jelly Ring but then after I dragged him down there I started to doubt my abilities so I talked Fun into coming down and when Mackie logged on he was on his way down as well but the NM was dead before he arrived. It was strange, when I arrived there wasn't a jelly in the room and after we killed the other jellies he just popped right away. I kited and nuked him using gravity and bind. Fun and Pebbs took care of the links and when I 2-houred Pebbs covered me which worked out perfectly. Sewer Syrup takes extra damage so my nukes looked HHhhhawesome and Pebbs made me feel good by being impressed! My highest was only 1800ish though and with Mackie's help I hit higher than that tonight.
I know it was a dolphin with it's mouth open but still fun to see!