Title: Apologies: an Arthur and Guinevere FicMix
flute_genevive Type of Submission: Fanfic/Fanart
Prompt: Apologies
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for season two
Summary: Arthur doesn't quite live up to his promises. But then again, Gwen lets him fail.
Author's Notes: I was originally planning on this being just a mix, but the songs really needed a story. So I
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Comments 10
OMG.this is just gorgeous, I friggin love the songs you weaved in especially Mumford and Sons<3
'No one saw him.
He half-wished that someone had. '
I don't even know why but this made my heart pang a little,so beautiful and the angst OH THE ANGST , and I love how Uther thinks of Igraine and perhaps what she would do in that situation and just GUH.
I am having a love affair with Mumford & Sons, right now that is making every other artist on my ipod jealous. I just couldn't help but to represent them in the mix. Also- the heart pangs were what I was going for so I'm very glad you liked it!
This was beautiful. I haven't read much Arthur/Gwen fanfic, but I love how perfectly angsty they are. I'm a sucker for forbidden love stories like theirs, and especially here. I love your writing - it simply flows, like poetry. I think the very last part is my favourite.
And once again, the song choices are beautiful. Downloading, because you know how much I love your taste in music! Band Of Horses + Mumford & Sons = ♥
I'm glad you like the mix!
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