May 27, 2009 21:11
i hate the phrase "money can't buy happiness", mainly because i notice a significant drop in my mood when i have very little. or like this week, next to none.
i have $30 in my bank account until next friday. i am on E gas wise...there goes my $30. so essentially i have $0 for 1 1/2 weeks.
i have thought (seriously) about selling drugs, selling plasma and/or organs. black market perhaps? i will not sell any of my books, dvds, or cds. that is/will never be an option. those things are my life, the things that keep me going.
so what do i do? i'm really stuck right now. i just payed my dad back $25 i owed him. i can't ask for more money. i need some cash fast. does anyone have any remotely good ideas? things around the house that i might be able to sell?
i'm really stresssin big time.