Title: What She Doesn’t Know
Author: Liv
OC: Eric Caffiso
12_developments Prompt: 08. College
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: I think Adam has a crush on Donata. It’s cute.
Donata looked away from Kaile briefly and glanced over at the lab tech who’d just walked in with another man. Donata frowned, not being able to see the other man’s face, so she craned her neck around to see and nearly fell off her chair.
"Whoa, you okay, Cafiso?" asked Kaile, reaching out to steady the other woman. Donata straightened up quickly, enough time to see the smirk slide off of Eric’s face as quickly as it’s gotten there.
"We’re allowed to call you Dona?" asked Kaile in bemusement. She looked from Donata to Eric and cocked her head to the side. "Holy shit...."
"Maka, this is my twin brother Eric," began Donata, watching a slightly lustful expression cross Eric’s face. "Eric, don’t!"
"Don’t what?" asked Eric innocently, making Donata roll her eyes at him.
"You hit on her I’ll break your nose," hissed Donata.
"They even sound alike," muttered Kaile, watching Eric and Donata argue. Adam gave her a smirk and nodded.
"I am," began Donata, shooting both Adam and Kaile a glare. "Happy that you finally got that degree," Donata leaned over and kissed Eric on the cheek. "Congrates, Eric. Ma’s gonna be so proud of you."
"Thank you, Dona," said Eric, giving his sister a smile.
"After he got out of the academy he went back to college and got a degree in psychology," explained Donata, turning to Adam and Kaile. "Did it for our sister, but...."
"I just wanted to understand what everyone’s saying when they talk about her," said Eric softly. "And I know you do to."
"‘Course I do, Eric. She’s our baby sister," Donata hesitated and looked down at her pager as it went off, biting her lip in annoyance and looking back up at Eric apologetically. "I gotta go. We’ll get a drink after shift, celebrate. You can bring Tanner and if you find Danny, bring him too."
"You know Danny’s got a crush on some girl he works with," said Eric as Donata walked off, she turned and gave him a wicked grin.
"Yeah, that’s why I wanna get him drunk, so he’ll spill."
"You’re just like Ma!" Eric shouted after her. Donata just flipped him the bird and continued on her way, leaving Eric standing there shaking his head. He turned around to grin at Kaile.
"So, I never got your name," said Eric, swearing on pain of death that Kaile blushed a little bit.
"Kaile Maka."
"Kaile," repeated Eric. "That’s pretty."
"Call me Maka on the job," warned Kaile.
"What about off the job?"
"Donata would kill you if you saw me off the job," said Kaile with a smirk.
"What Dona doesn’t know," began Eric softly, leaning in closer to Kaile so she could hear him. "Won’t hurt her."