Title: Not Daddy
Author: Liv
darkmagic_luvrOC: Mattimeo Cazanov
12-developments Prompt: 2. Father
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: N/A
A six year old Mattimeo was following his older brother home from school. Hannibal kept looking back at him, checking to see that he was keeping up. When he looked back up he spotted a car in their driveway that didn’t belong to them. He didn’t recognize it at all.
"Hannibal? Who’s that?" asked Mattimeo, pointing at the car. Hannibal’s blood froze, he didn’t know who it was, but he knew what he was doing.
"Maybe we should..." Hannibal stopped as he felt Mattimeo rush past him towards their house. Hannibal froze in place, not exactly knowing what he should do. Their mother told him not to come home if there was company there. Hannibal shook his head and backed away from the house.
"That kid is on his own."
Mattimeo was already at the front door, out of breath, his cheeks red, wondering if Daddy was home. He walked in through the front door and went searching through the rooms.
"Daddy?" whispered Mattimeo. His parents bedroom door was closed at the end of the hall. He crept toward it, ending up on the floor to see through the crack left by the door and the floor. Mattimeo squinted and saw two pairs of feet, but he couldn’t see well enough.
Sitting up, Mattimeo reached up for the door handle, pulling the door open and looking through the space there. Alexis Cazanov was lying back on her bed with a glass of alcohol in her hand while the man in the room (that was not Mattimeo’s father) crawled up next to her and started kissing her neck.
"Mommy?" whispered Mattimeo, just a little too loudly. Alexis gasped and looked over at the door, pushing the man off her and sitting up.
"Matti!" she shouted. Mattimeo gasped and slammed the door shut, standing up and backing away from the door, while Alexis and her lover started arguing. Something glass hit the door and Mattimeo turned on his heel and ran for his sister’s room.
An eight year old Tatiana opened her bedroom door, pulling off her head phones and frowning at her brother.
"Matti? What are you-" something else crashed in their parents bedroom and Tatiana jumped, grabbing Mattimeo’s shoulder and dragging him into her room, turning around and kneeling next to him. "Are you okay?" she asked, searching his face for something wrong. "She hurt you?"
Mattimeo shook his head and Tatiana smiled at him, brushing hair out of his face. "Let’s keep it that way, okay?"
"Is Daddy coming back?" asked Mattimeo, flinching as a door slammed shut. Tatiana glanced over her shoulder and sighed before turning back with a fake smile on her face.
"Yeah. Mamma’s just...going through a faze."
"Will it stop?" asked Mattimeo, and Tatiana laughed quietly.
"Stop asking questions."