Turned (6/13)

Aug 01, 2013 19:15

Title: Turned (6/13)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: hunhan, minor pairings
Length: chaptered
Word Count: in this chapter, 72k total
Summary: (wolf fic) One night introverted Sehun goes to a club with his best friend Jongin, where he meets Jongin's sort-of-boyfriend Luhan. Luhan seems perfect, but Sehun quickly learns he's keeping a secret. By the time he finds out the truth about Luhan it's too late.

It was over a week since Jongin had attempted to convince the others to help Luhan. Since then, he hadn’t mentioned it again, and things had become relatively calm. Every evening one of the others would help train them in their new abilities, and then for the night they’d go to the park and practise shifting. By now, Jongin could remember almost everything after his shift. Sehun pretended to be a bit behind Jongin, which proved annoying when he had to act like he couldn’t remember winning their races, and Jongin claimed he himself had won. Aside from that, Sehun was surprised how easily he was adjusting to this new life.

It helped that the other pack hadn’t approached them again. Chanyeol would sometimes scout the area close to the apartment, along with the park, but he said he hadn’t picked up any hostile wolf scents since that day they were followed. Sehun hadn’t received anymore texts asking him to meet up with Luhan either. He hadn’t heard from Luhan at all.

That was a relief, he told himself. It also proved that Luhan had never really cared about him. Sure, Sehun had asked Luhan to stay away from him, but if Luhan had really thought he was important he wouldn’t give up so easily.

But Sehun wasn’t the important one, he reminded himself. He had never been. Not to Luhan. The important one was Jongin. Like usual.

Sehun shouldn’t have been surprised that Luhan preferred Jongin. And he wasn’t, not really. Maybe for a moment he’d thought someone was going to choose him over Jongin, for once, but that had been brief. Sehun wasn’t an unrealistic person. The few boyfriends he’d had all lost interest in him once they met Jongin, and Sehun could understand why. He wasn’t blind, and he knew Jongin was more energetic than he was, more fun to be around. Of course Luhan would be like every other guy; drawn to Jongin, not Sehun.

“Sehun, are you ok?”

Sehun came to his senses at the sound of Junmyeon’s concerned voice. They’d finished eating not too long ago, and now the two of them were cleaning the dishes. Sehun hadn’t realized he’d stopped drying, he’d been so spaced out.

“I’m fine.” Sehun mumbled, quickly getting back to work.

Junmyeon didn’t press it, but his slight frown told Sehun he didn’t believe him.

“You guys almost done?” Jongin asked, coming up behind Sehun and resting his chin on his shoulder to observe the dishes.

“We’ll be finished in a few minutes.” Junmyeon said. “Then we can go to the park.”

“Actually...” Jongin licked his lips nervously. “Sehun and I were wondering if we could go out on our own tonight.”

Sehun frowned at Jongin, and started to ask when they’d decided on that. Jongin jabbed him sharply in the side, still facing Junmyeon as he asked. “Is that a problem?”

Sehun clamped his mouth shut. He didn’t know what Jongin was up to, but he’d have to ask later.

“I suppose not.” Junmyeon said, but he didn’t sound sure. “It would probably be best if one of us came along, though, just in case something happened. Sehun still can’t remember everything from his shifts.”

“He’ll be fine. I’ll keep an eye on him. Please?” Jongin’s voice took on a whining note. “We really want to try shifting on our own, so we know we can handle ourselves without you guys around. You can’t be with us all the time.”

“That’s true.” Junmyeon looked torn a moment longer, then sighed. “Alright. But if anything goes wrong come back right away.”

“Nothing will go wrong!” Jongin was suddenly very energetic. He clapped Sehun on the shoulder. “Hurry up with that so we can go!”

Sehun scowled back at him, but Jongin was already heading into the hall.

“Here.” Junmyeon said, passing him a plate to dry. “You didn’t tell me you wanted to practise on your own.”

Sehun shrugged. “It was Jongin’s idea.”

“I see.” Junmyeon paused. “You don’t have to go along with it if you aren’t comfortable on your own yet.”

“I’m fine. Besides, Jongin will be there. We’ll look out for each other.”

“I know you will.” Junmyeon said. “You two seem very close.”

“Yeah.” Sehun said, because he didn’t know how else to describe his relationship with Jongin. They were friends. Best friends. They fooled around sometimes. So, yeah, they were close. But that didn’t make up for how dismissive Jongin could be of Sehun when it suited him, or the jealousy Sehun had always felt towards Jongin and his ease with people. It was best to just leave it at them being ‘close’.

Junmyeon didn’t say much more after that. As soon as they finished the dishes Jongin was ready to go. Sehun barely had time to grab his jacket before Jongin was dragging him out the door.

“What’s going on?” Sehun asked as they went down the stairs, Jongin taking them two at a time. Jongin just held up a hand for Sehun to be quiet, which annoyed him. He’d gone along with Jongin’s lie, and now he wouldn’t even explain?

When they stepped out onto the sidewalk, Jongin took off in the direction of the park. Sehun followed. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on now?!”

“Yeah. I just didn’t want to say anything while we were still inside, in case they heard.”

“Why? Where are we actually going?”

Jongin grinned at him. “You caught on that I was lying about that, then. I thought you would. Thanks for not saying anything.”

“I’m going to say something, very loudly, if you don’t tell me where we’re going.”

Jongin set his gaze ahead. “We’re going to save Luhan.”

Sehun actually stopped walking. Jongin continued ahead at a brisk pace, and Sehun had to hurry to catch up. “You still want to do that?!”

“Of course. You thought I’d actually give up? I just wanted to get used to my new abilities and stuff, so it would be easier to help him.”

“And how exactly do you plan on helping him?” Sehun demanded. “You don’t even know where he is!”

“Maybe not, but I have an idea.” Jongin caught Sehun’s eyes. “We’re going back to the club.”

The club was just like Sehun remembered it, with one difference. It smelt like wolves, all over. Just like in their apartment.

“How did you find this place anyway?” Sehun asked Jongin.

Jongin frowned. “I don’t remember. Someone told me about it, I guess.”

Sehun scanned the packed club. The scent of wolf was really overwhelming. “Do you smell that?”

“What? The wolf thing? Yeah, but it’s no big deal.”

“No big deal?! What if this is the other pack’s den?”

“It’s a club, not a den.” Jongin looked around as he spoke. Looking for Luhan, probably. “Besides, we’ve been here, right? And Luhan. Of course it would smell a bit like wolves.”

“A bit.” Sehun rolled his eyes. “We weren’t wolves the last time we were here.”


“The scent’s really strong. That means it’s more than just Luhan.”

“It’s not that strong. Relax.” Jongin started pushing through the crowd.

“Where are you going?” Sehun demanded, following.

“The bar. Maybe Luhan’s there.”

“He’s probably not here at all.” Sehun said, hoping it was true.

“Then it won’t hurt to check.”

“It’ll hurt if someone else from the other pack is here.”

Jongin didn’t reply, just kept manoeuvring through the crowd. Sehun gritted his teeth and followed. This was a really bad idea. He wished he’d known what Jongin was up to earlier when he asked Joonmyun if they could train alone, so he could have spoken up. But Jongin probably would have gone on his own if Sehun had done that. It was better they were together, just in case they did run into the other pack.

Breaking through the crowd, Sehun and Jongin found themselves at the bar. It was busy, but Luhan wasn’t anywhere to be found.

“See?” Sehun said. “He’s not here. Let’s go.”

“He’s probably dancing.” Jongin said, turning back to the crowd.

“He’s not here.”

“You don’t know that!” Jongin snapped. “Just, help me look, ok?”

Sehun sighed, scanning the club. The crowd was so thick and the strobe lights so sporadic, even if Luhan was in there it would be nearly impossible to find him. But Sehun had a feeling Jongin wouldn’t leave until they’d checked every person.

Sehun’s head snapped up. There was someone watching them. Watching him. He could feel it.

Turning, slowly, Sehun looked up at the second story of the club, which overlooked the dance floor. Leaning against the railing was a young man with bright yellow hair, staring right at Sehun.

A shiver ran Sehun’s spine. The guy’s eyes were dark, not flashing red, but he knew anyway. That was the gaze of a predator. A fellow predator.

A rival.

Sehun’s cell vibrated. Breaking eye contact with the other wolf, Sehun opened the new message he’d just received.

It was from an unknown number and read: Get out now.

Sehun froze for a split second. Then he was shoving his phone away and grabbing Jongin’s arm to stop him from entering the crowd. Jongin turned to scowl at him, but the look on Sehun’s face seemed to make him pause.

“We have to get out. They know we’re here.”

“How do you...” Jongin trailed off as Sehun gave a subtle nod to the upper level. Jongin’s gaze followed the gesture and he frowned. “Am I supposed to be looking for something?”

Sehun’s attention snapped to the second floor. The wolf was gone.

“Shit.” Sehun started dragging Jongin towards the side exit. “Now we really have to go.”

“Why? Sehun, what did you see?”

“Another wolf is here.” Sehun said. “From the other pack. I saw him, upstairs.”

“Was Luhan with him?”

“Is that really all you care about?! We could get caught and -” Sehun shook his head, not wanting an argument with Jongin right now. “Never mind. We just have to leave.”

They were a few steps from the side exit, having edged around the crowd. That was when a guy Sehun hadn’t noticed detached himself from the shadows near the exit, taking a slow step towards them. The scents were too mingled in the club, with all the humans and the undercurrent of wolf, for Sehun to pick out this guy’s exact scent. But the way he moved, and the way the shadows moved around him, made Sehun sure. It was the same wolf that had chased him the night he turned; Jongdae.

Still holding onto Jongin, Sehun wheeled around and plunged into the crowd. Jongin didn’t put up a fight anymore, so Sehun assumed he’d seen Jongdae too.

“Wait.” Jongin said, pulling Sehun back when they were close to the front doors.

“What? The exit’s right there and we need to -”

“Go. I know. But not that way.” Jongin’s gaze was fixed on something near the doors, through the crowd. “Is that the other wolf you saw?”

Sehun followed Jongin’s gaze. Sure enough, the bright haired wolf was hanging around the front doors. “Damn it.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Now Jongin was the one pulling Sehun, back through the crowd. “We’re going to have to go upstairs. There might be a fire escape we can get to on one of the upper levels.”

Sehun followed Jongin, grateful his friend was focussed on escaping now. They reached a door near the bar, that lead to a stairwell. Jongin took the stairs quickly, and Sehun kept up right behind him. They reached the second level, but kept going.

On the third level, Jongin glanced up at the continuing stairs and said. “We should split up.”

“That doesn’t sound like a good idea at all.”

“Of course it’s a good idea. At least two of the other pack are downstairs, not counting Luhan that still leaves three to worry about, including the leader. What if one of them is up here? If we split up, we’ll have a better chance of finding a way out and then getting out. I’ll check the fourth floor for a way out, you check the third. Text me if you find something, and wait for me there. I’ll do the same. Ok?”

“Yeah, fine.” Sehun said, still annoyed about splitting up. He had to admit it made sense, but he was worried. Both for Jongin’s safety and his own. But that wasn’t his only concern. Now that they knew the other pack was here, what if Jongin decided to go looking for Luhan instead of a way out?

Before Sehun could come up with a good reason for them to stay together, Jongin was heading upstairs. Clenching his hands in frustration, Sehun slipped through the third floor door.

A dark hall stretched before him, lined with doors. It was silent save the muted thud of music from the club. Tentatively, Sehun stepped into the hall. He tried the first door, to his left, but it was locked. The one to his right was locked too.

He could probably force one open, with his new strength, but if there was anyone in these rooms they’d definitely hear. Sehun didn’t want to make a scene if he could help it.

About to try the next door, Sehun paused. He was sensing something up ahead. At first he thought he was picking up on a subtle scent, or a sound, but it wasn’t either of those. Yet something had caught his attention, and was pulling him towards a door halfway down the hall.

Sehun tried to open it, but the door was locked. Instead of moving on, Sehun stood there, frowning at the doorknob as if that could make it open. For whatever reason, he felt like he had to get pass this door.

And then, there was a sound from within. Someone catching their breath. A soft, startled sound. There was some muted rustling, then the light pad of footsteps coming towards the door. Sehun waited, listening intently as the person on the other side of the door started twisting the knob, unlocking it. Then they stopped. Sehun tried the door again. It didn’t budge.

They’d left it locked.

“You have to go.” A soft voice said from the other side of the door. “You can’t be here, Sehun.”

Sehun went still. A tingling sensation ran up and down his spine, and it felt like his every hair stood on end.


Luhan made a whimpering sound and when he spoke his voice was full of pain. “Get out of here, before one of them sees you. If they know you’re here you’ll never get away.”

“They’ve already seen us.” Sehun said.

Luhan caught his breath. “Oh no. You have to get out, now -” Luhan paused, then asked: “Us?”

“Yeah.” Sehun said, his voice suddenly tight. “Jongin and I.”

“Why would Jongin be here?”

“To see you.” Sehun growled, pushing away from the door. Even if he couldn’t see Luhan, he could still feel him through the wall, and it was painful. “Why else would he be here? Why else would I be here, if he didn’t drag me?”

Luhan didn’t say anything right away, and Sehun realized this would be a good time to go. He’d taken a step away when the door opened. Sehun looked over, but he didn’t have time to be mesmerized all over again by Luhan’s inhuman beauty. Luhan immediately grabbed his arm, pulling him into a tight embrace.

Sehun felt like he’d turned to stone. He could feel Luhan’s chest beating against his, insanely fast. Sehun was only aware of Luhan’s heartbeat; not his own. Was that because his heart had turned to stone too, or because it was beating so fast he couldn’t keep track of it?

As suddenly as Luhan had embraced Sehun, he released him. It took Sehun a moment to realize what was going on when Luhan shut the door and locked it again. Luhan’s gaze snapped to Sehun’s, wide and terrified.

“Hide.” He mouthed.

Outside in the hall, Sehun could faintly hear the stairwell door open and close.

Before Sehun could so much as look around the room Luhan was ushering him under an uncomfortable looking double bed. Sehun lay flat on the floor and shoved himself under. It was tight, but he fit. Just barely.

“Be as quiet as you can.” Luhan whispered, “And try not to move.”

Sehun was aware of his heartbeat now. It was frantic, and he was sure it would give him away to whoever he was hiding from. Trying to calm himself, Sehun listened to the approaching footsteps in the hall, which came right to the door and stopped. There was a pause, then a series of knocks.

“Go away!” Luhan snapped, and Sehun was surprised by the anger in his voice. He’d never heard Luhan so angry before. In fact, he’d never heard Luhan angry before at all.

“Luhan. Let me in.”

The voice was deep and male, and made a shiver run Sehun’s spine. Unlike the pleasant shiver Luhan’s voice inspired, this one felt horrible.

“No.” Luhan said. “Leave me alone.”

“Let me in. That’s an order.”

There was a pause, then Luhan lurched towards the door, which in seconds was thrown open. Luhan backed away from it immediately.

“Don’t you dare do that to me again.” Luhan hissed. “Do you have any respect for your pureblood brother?”

“More than you have for your leader, evidently.” The voice was much clearer now, and even more authoritative. It made Sehun want to burrow further under the bed, until he was completely invisible. At the same time, it oddly made him want to bow to the speaker.

“What do you want?” Luhan spat. His voice was further away. He’d retreated all the way to the back of the room.

“Can’t I visit my mate?”

Sehun stiffened.

“I’m not your mate!” Luhan snapped.

“No, I suppose not. Though you will be.” The speaker sighed. “Unfortunately, I’m not here for a social call. I’ve come to warn you that two wolves from the fake pack are in the building. Should they come by here, I trust you’ll inform me.”

“Who from the other pack?” Luhan asked tightly.

“The new ones. That piece of filth you turned, along with the other one. None of the others would be stupid enough to wander into our den.”

So it was their den. Somehow, finding out he’d guessed right didn’t make Sehun feel any better.

“You’re lying.” Luhan said. “Junmyeon wouldn’t leave them on their own like that.”

The speaker took a step towards Luhan, voice suddenly sharp. “What did you say?”

“I said, Junmyeon would protect his pack. He’s a good leader, unlike -” Before Luhan could finish, a crack sounded through the room. It took Sehun a moment to realize Luhan had been slapped. It took all Sehun’s self control to keep from pushing out from the bed and jumping the speaker.

“Never speak that name.” The speaker hissed, his voice filled with barely contained rage. “That is a direct order, Luhan. Never speak his name.”

“I’m surprised you let me speak at all.” Luhan hissed.

“Yes, well, perhaps that will change.” The speaker’s voice had returned to relative calm, but it sounded strained now. “I’m afraid I must leave now. More pressing issues to attend to. Should those new wolves come here, you will let me know. That is a command.”

“You don’t trust me to turn them in to you myself? Surprise, surprise.”

“I’m sure I’ll grow to trust you more after we’re mated.”

“Like I believe that.”

The speaker’s voice twinged with amusement. “It seems we both have some trust issues to work through.”

There was a pause, followed by several faint sounds Sehun couldn’t place. Then Luhan gasped, and Sehun tensed himself, thinking Luhan had been hurt again.

“I’ll return later.” The speaker said, approaching the door. “And Luhan? You may see a point in locking yourself in here, but I certainly don’t. It’s never stopped me before, and getting you to unlock it is simply a waste of both our time.”

“It’s not a waste of time if it’s a moment more away from you.” Luhan said, and although his voice was as venomous as before, it sounded more breathy.

The speaker chuckled. “Very well. Keep being difficult. It helps make you more interesting.”

“Why? Am I boring compared to -” Luhan cut himself off with a choking sound. He spoke again after a moment: “Compared to him?”

“Goodnight, Luhan.” The speaker snapped, angry again. The door slammed as he left the room, followed by quick, angry steps down the hall. Sehun waited until he heard the door to the stairwell close, then pushed himself out from under the bed.

Luhan was already standing there, waiting to help him up. Sehun didn’t push him away, and let him pull him to his feet. Luhan’s hands lingered on Sehun’s arms, while Sehun stared down at the faint red print on his cheek. Rage boiled inside him.

Then he noticed that Luhan’s lips were redder than normal too, and swollen. That’s when the strange sounds he’d heard and Luhan’s gasp made sense.

“He kissed you?!” Sehun demanded, checking his volume just in time to keep from shouting.

Luhan’s hands fell from Sehun’s arm, one going to hide his own mouth as he looked away. “It doesn’t matter. Sehun, you have to leave, while you have the chance.”

“How can I leave after that?! He hit you, then he kissed you?!”

“Sehun, please, not so loud -”

“And he called you his mate!” Sehun’s voice got so high it almost broke. “Why did he call you that, Luhan?! He’s your leader, right? That’s who that guy was? Why did he call you his mate?!”

“Why do you care?” Luhan asked. He still wasn’t looking at Sehun, and his voice was suddenly quiet. Almost shy. “You said you never wanted to see me again. If I do have a mate, that shouldn’t matter to you.”

“You’re right!” Sehun snapped, anger still tempering his words. “It doesn’t!”

Hurt flashed across Luhan’s face, but no surprise. At least, no surprise until he felt Sehun gripping his shoulders. Luhan looked up just as Sehun pulled him closer. It was the perfect angle, and Sehun took full advantage, leaning in and capturing Luhan’s lips.

Luhan gasped again, but it was a small, shocked sound that mingled with pleasure as Sehun nipped at his bottom lip. Luhan pressed against him and Sehun deepened the kiss, his mind going fuzzy while his senses all sharpened, zeroing in on Luhan. The taste of Luhan, the feel of Luhan, the smell of Luhan. It wrapped around Sehun, beautiful and intoxicating.

Sehun couldn’t come up with a good reason for why he’d kissed Luhan. He’d done it impulsively, furious beyond belief that someone - anyone - had dared to touch his Luhan. It made Sehun want to track the other leader down and claw his face off. That, or kiss Luhan even longer, even harder. Which, since the former wasn’t really an option, he chose to do instead.

Pulling back, Sehun dropped his hands from Luhan’s shoulders. With a surge of regret he realized there would be bruises therwe, since he’d been gripping Luhan so hard. He hadn’t wanted to hurt him, not like the leader had.

“Sorry.” Sehun mumbled, trailing his hand over the spots he’d left on Luhan’s arm.

Luhan hadn’t stopped gazing up at Sehun since they’d pulled apart, his gaze misted. “Don’t be sorry.”

Sehun didn’t think Luhan realized he meant the oncoming bruises, but suddenly it didn’t matter. The way Luhan was gazing at him sent a weird, tingling warmth through Sehun. He started leaning in again...

Sehun’s cell vibrated in his pocket.

This brought Sehun back to the real world. Jerking back from Luhan, Sehun quickly pulled out his phone, fleetingly glad it hadn’t gone off while the leader had been here. It was a message from Jongin. He’d found a window leading to a fire-escape, on the fourth floor.

“I have to go.” Sehun said.

The dreaminess fled Luhan’s eyes. “Yes, you do. Get out quickly. Good luck.”

Sehun nodded and opened the door. Slipping into the hall, he told himself not to look back at Luhan, because if he did...


Sehun turned to Luhan, and his gaze went instantly to his lips, even more red and more swollen. This time the sight left him with a deep sense of satisfaction.

And a rapidly growing desire.

But there was no desire in Luhan’s expression anymore. There was a slight sadness in his eyes, but more than that there was resolve.

“Whatever you do,” Luhan said, closing the door. “Don’t come back here again.”

The only sound in the hallway was the faint click of the lock.

“Did you find anything on the third floor?” Jongin whispered as they reached the last level of the fire escape.

“Not really. Most of the doors were locked.”

“Weird. Wonder what’s in there.” Instead of taking the ladder down, Jongin climbed onto the railing.

“What are you doing?”

Jongin grinned at him. “This way’s faster.”

Before Sehun could say anything else, Jongin leaped down. He landed nimbly in the alley, then straightened and gave Sehun a thumbs up. Sehun rolled his eyes, but had to admit it looked faster. He climbed onto the railing and jumped too, landing where Jongin had stood moments before. Jongin was now heading down the back alley, which ran behind the buildings.

“Now what are you doing?” Sehun asked, a little louder as he followed.

“Again, this way’s faster.”


“We can run at top speed without getting any weird looks from pedestrians.”

“That... Yeah, ok. That’s a good idea too.”

“Of course. When do I have bad ideas?”

Sehun gestured at the club behind them.

They ran down the back alley. It was dark and deserted, neither of which bothered Sehun. He could see in the darkness, and the emptiness made it easier to run.

They passed by a familiar building. It didn’t take Sehun long to remember why it was familiar. This was where Luhan had taken him their first night together, back when he’d thought Luhan was just a typical guy who was atypically attractive.

This was the place where he’d been bitten.

Sehun forced his gaze from the building. Realizing he’d slowed to look at it, he pushed his speed to catch up with Jongin, who was a few metres ahead.

Something slammed into Sehun, and the next thing he knew he was on the ground. Pushing himself up, Sehun turned to find himself staring into the glowing red eyes of his attacker.

His attacker, who was a full fledged wolf.

Sehun couldn’t help a yelp of surprise. He back peddled away from the wolf, who watched him with a slightly cocked head. Sehun’s back hit the alley wall.


Sehun’s gaze darted to Jongin, who had stopped when he heard Sehun shout. Jongin’s eyes snapped to the wolf and widened. Likewise, the wolf’s attention was now fully on Jongin.

“Run!” Sehun yelled. “Run! Go get help!”

Jongin didn’t move, transfixed by the wolf. Sehun saw the wolf move out of the corner of his eyes, lowering itself into a crouch. It took Sehun a split second to realize it was going to leap at Jongin.

“Run!” Sehun screamed, as he shoved to his feet and threw himself at the wolf. He managed to catch it by surprise and knock it down. The wolf growled and snapped its teeth it him, but Sehun pulled away in time and backed up.

Still facing the wolf, which was back on its feet and watching him with narrowed scarlet eyes, Sehun allowed himself a glance after Jongin. The alley was empty.

Relief washed over Sehun, but it was short lived. Looking away had been a mistake, and he realized that when he turned back in time to see the wolf flying at him. Sehun didn’t have time to dodge and soon found himself back on the ground, this time with the wolf snarling above him. It snapped its jaws at him once, showing dagger sharp canines. Sehun tried to push it away, but the wolf was much stronger than he was, and not just because it was in wolf form. Even if he shifted too, Sehun didn’t think he could get this wolf off.

The wolf displayed its lines of fangs again, this time dipping its head, angling for his throat. Sehun’s blood ran cold as he remembered what Chanyeol had said, about the other pack doing something worse than making him join them. This wolf hadn’t come to capture him.

Just before the wolf’s teeth clamped around his neck, something knocked into it. The wolf went flying, slamming into the back of a building, leaving dents in the concrete. It tumbled onto the ground and had just started shaking itself back to life when the figure that had tackled it appeared again. Grabbing the wolf by the scruff, it heaved the creature back with inhuman strength, slamming its head back against the wall. The wolf seemed to jerk, then its red eyes rolled back in its head before closing. The figure let go, and the wolf fell in a limp pile on the ground.

“It’s a good thing you came out flawed.” The figure muttered, back to Sehun as he shook his head at the wolf. “If you had his strength, no way could I take you out that quickly.”

Sehun stared at the figure, wide eyed. He was so familiar. His shape, his voice - even his scent, which was undeniably wolf. But Sehun had been around this scent before. Several times.

The guy turned towards Sehun. Their eyes met, and the stranger smirked, gaze brighter red than Sehun had yet to see.

“You sure are a stupid little pup.” The stranger said, now shaking his head at Sehun. “Going to the purebloods den like that. Have I kept you alive this long for nothing?”

“Wh-what are you talking about?” Sehun asked, ashamed to find his voice shaking. “Who are you?”

“Who am I?” The stranger laughed. “I guess the other pack didn’t tell you about me? No, they wouldn’t. I’m just another pureblood to them.”

“Are you the leader of the other pack?” Sehun asked, doubting it but wanting to make sure.

“You know I’m not. You’ve already met Yifan, I think. Actually - come to think of it - you’ve met everyone, haven’t you? Jongdae was the first of us you ran into, and you must have seen Yixing in the club. And we both know how close you and Luhan are. And now you’ve met him, too” The stranger waved to the wolf behind him, “You guys weren’t properly acquainted, so I guess I should do the introductions...”

The stranger did a double take, looking back at the wolf again. Sehun tried to peer past him, to see what had caught his attention. Was the wolf awake?

The stranger suddenly shrugged out of his jacket. Turning, he placed it over the wolf.

But it wasn’t a wolf anymore. It was an unconscious human.

A human Sehun knew.

“Zitao.” Sehun breathed.

5 I 7

chaptered, hunhan

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