Turned (5/13)

Jul 28, 2013 11:05

Title: Turned (5/13)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: hunhan, minor pairings
Length: chaptered
Word Count: 6300 in this chapter, 72k total
Summary: (wolf fic) One night introverted Sehun goes to a club with his best friend Jongin, where he meets Jongin's sort-of-boyfriend Luhan. Luhan seems perfect, but Sehun quickly learns he's keeping a secret. By the time he finds out the truth about Luhan it's too late.

Sehun woke up to the tantalizing smell of meat cooking. Half conscious, he pushed himself out of bed and into the hall. He stumbled into the living room a few minutes later, covering a yawn as his gaze went straight to the kitchen counter, where Kyungsoo was serving up an assortment of different meats. Jongin was sitting at the counter, looking much better than the day before. Almost like his old self.

“So you’re finally up.” Baekhyun said. Sehun glanced over to find him watching from the couch. “Congratulations. You wasted the whole night and day. Do you always sleep that much?”

Sehun wanted to argue, tell Baekhyun that by the time he’d gotten back and gone to sleep the sun was already out, but that would involve mentioning Luhan. And the fact he’d snuck out. He didn’t think either would go over well with the pack.

“Nah,” Jongin said from the counter. “I’m the sleeper, not Sehunnie.”

“What time is it anyway?” Sehun asked, sitting on one of the stools next to Jongin. He really did look better.

“Almost six, last I checked.”

“Six fifteen.” Kyungsoo said, laying a plate piled with bacon in front of them. Sehun scanned the rest of the kitchen, unable to find anything but meat.

“So is this another wolf thing?” Sehun asked. “A strictly carnivorous diet?”

“Do you want anything else?” Baekhyun called from the couch, where Sehun could hear him flicking through channels.

Sehun didn’t reply. He had to admit, he didn’t really find the thought of any other food appealing right now.

“Do you guys usually make this much?” Jongin asked Kyungsoo, who rolled his eyes.

“No point in adding the ‘guys’. I’m the one who always gets stuck doing the cooking. And yes, I do. You’d be amazed by how much these guys eat.”

“I don’t know. I eat a lot myself.”

“Then you’ll probably eat even more now.” Baekhyun said. “Kyungsoo, you should make some extra.”

“Why don’t I give Jongin your portion and you make your own?”

Baekhyun stuck his tongue out at Kyungsoo, then turned off the television and got up. “I guess I could help.”

“Thank you.”

“Where are Junmyeon and Chanyeol?” Sehun asked, glancing around. He could still catch their scents mixed in the apartment air, but that didn’t necessarily mean they were present.

“They both had stuff to do.” Kyungsoo said. “They’ll be back soon though. In time to eat.”

“Does what they’re doing involve the other pack?”

“We still have lives beyond the whole being a wolf thing.” Baekhyun said, coming over to the counter and dropping a pile of utensils. “At least, most of us do. Junmyeon maybe not so much.”

Before Sehun could ask what Baekhyun meant by that, Kyungsoo was whacking his alleged helper’s arm. “Since when do we use forks and knives?! None of you are that civilised! Put them back where you found them and actually do something helpful!”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and collected the utensils, turning back to the kitchen, while Kyungsoo returned to the oven.

“I have to admit,” Jongin said to Sehun, “I am kind of surprised you slept so long.”

Sehun shrugged. “Turning into a wolf was tiring.”

“It wasn’t so bad. You should have come out with us last night. Junmyeon showed me how it's done.”

“You mean shifting?” Sehun asked, surprised. From the state Jongin was in when Sehun left, he didn’t think he’d be leaving his bed for another day, let alone attempt to shift again.

“Yeah. Junmyeon talked me through the steps. It was kinda hard, but completely worth it. I still don’t remember everything about turning into a wolf, but what I do remember from last night was amazing. I was so fast.”

That also surprised Sehun. Not the fact that Jongin was fast - Luhan was fast, after all, so of course Jongin would be too - but the fact he couldn’t remember the whole thing. Sehun could remember all of what happened last night, both as a wolf and as a human.


“You have to come with us tonight.” Jongin added, then with a grin. “We can race. I’ll warn you now, though, you’re going to lose.”

“Says who?”

“The great wolf law.” Jongin said sarcastically, then explained with a hint of smugness. “Apparently when someone’s turned, the closer it is to the full moon the stronger their abilities are.”

“Yeah, and? Your point? We were both turned around the same time.”

“Not true. You were turned the night before. I was turned the night of the full moon.” Now the smugness was more than just a hint. “That means I’m like a super wolf.”

“Not exactly.” Baekhyun broke in, dropping a pile of napkins in front of them. “It means you’ll be just as strong as the wolf who turned you, not stronger than all wolves. And if the wolf that turned you was weak, then you will be too.”

“But Luhan isn’t weak.” Jongin said. “Kyungsoo told me he’s the strongest pureblood.”

Sehun looked at Jongin. He’d suspected Luhan was a pureblood, based on what he’d been told, but he’d had no idea he was the strongest. Did that mean Jongin was stronger than all the other wolves now too?

“That’s not exactly what I told you.” Kyungsoo said. “He’s strongest second to the leader of the other pack, but he does have his shortcomings. His actual physical strength isn’t up to par with some of the others. At least, it wasn’t before he started turning people...” That was when Kyungsoo noticed the napkins Baekhyun had laid down. “Are you kidding me?! Since when do you guys use napkins?!”

“Well, you’re always asking us to.” Baekhyun said, almost sheepishly, “Maybe tonight will be the first time?”

“Just go back to the couch!” Kyungsoo snapped, storming the two steps it took him to reach the stove, where he quietly fumed. Baekhyun tip-toed out of the kitchen, snagging a strip of bacon on the way.

“So you’ll come with us tonight?” Jongin asked, reaching for the food Kyungsoo had already laid out.

“I don’t exactly have much else to do.”

“That’s the spirit!” Jongin gripped Sehun by the shoulder and gave him a shake. Sehun winced as Jongin’s fingers pressed against his bite-mark, stirring up memories from the night before.

“Don’t worry.” Jongin added. “Shifting might seem difficult at first, but if you have any problems just follow my lead. I don’t know if it has to do with being turned on the full moon or what, but apparently I’m a natural.”

“So if Jongin and I were turned at different times, why did we both shift on the night of the full moon?”

Junmyeon didn’t answer right away, instead taking a moment to compose his answer. Sehun hadn’t asked him much since they’d left the apartment, on their way to the park where they’d apparently practise that night, but every time he had he’d noticed Junmyeon took his time, like he wanted to get it exactly right. As much as Sehun wanted a clear, detailed answer, he also found waiting for it a little tedious.

“The moon has always had a strange effect on wolves.” Junmyeon said. “When someone is bitten, they’ll experience their first shift on the night of the next full moon. Before that, they can’t shift, and after they can shift whenever they want. Providing they can figure out how to control the shifting. If a newly turned wolf doesn’t figure out how to shift themselves, every time there is a full moon they’ll be forced to shift, and usually not remember anything of the night they shifted, or at most very little. If you can control your shifting though, as I’m going to teach you and Jongin to do, then you don’t have to worry about the full moon. At least, when it comes to the shifting side effect.”

“What do you mean?”

Again, Junmyeon took a moment to answer, worrying his bottom lip. “You see, all wolves have the urge to turn humans. It’s instinctive. Increase the pack, so it’ll be more powerful and better able to survive. Usually the urge to turn others is very small, nonexistent in some, but the closer it gets to the full moon the stronger that urge becomes. Funnily enough, the more people a wolf turns, the less they feel inclined to turn more. The first turn is the most important, for more reasons than to just gain control over the urge to turn. It’s a tradition among the purebloods, like a rite of passage. A pureblood who hasn’t made their first turn isn’t considered an adult, because they don’t come into their full power until they’ve bitten someone.”

Sehun thought back to everything Chanyeol had said, wondering if he’d mentioned that. His explanations hadn’t exactly been as concise as Junmyeon’s.

“So now that Luhan’s turned Jongin and I, he’s more powerful than he was before?”


“Then would he be more powerful than the leader of the other pack?”

Junmyeon’s brows drew together. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Do you know for sure?”

“I don’t, but Sehun, you’ve never met the leader of the other pack. He’s more or less invincible. That was why we had to leave and form our own pack, and why we’re still hiding from them. As much as it pains me to admit, there’s no way for us to defeat him.”

Sehun took a moment to let that sink in. Junmyeon was right, he’d never met this other wolf. But he couldn’t believe someone was invincible. Even if this guy had super strength and speed, and whatever other abilities their kind had, surely Junmyeon and the rest of his pack could beat him. Even if he had the skill, they had the numbers.

Though there was the rest of the other pack, Sehun remembered. It wasn’t just the leader Junmyeon’s pack had to defeat, but all the other wolves. Other purebloods. Including Luhan. All of whom had to follow the leader’s orders.

But if it was true that they had to obey every command, how had Junmyeon escaped and formed his own pack?

“How did you get away?” Sehun asked, looking at Junmyeon. “How did you get away from the other pack?”

Junmyeon met Sehun’s gaze, but he hesitated to answer. Sehun had a feeling that this time it wasn’t so he could compose the clearest response.

Finally, Junmyeon said, “I was cast out.”

Sehun frowned. “What do you mean?”

“The leader ordered me to leave. That was how I escaped. When he commanded me to do that, I was free, both from that pack and to create my own. I no longer have to follow his orders, but I can never rejoin his pack. Even if a new leader were to take over. Once a wolf is cast out, they can never return.”

That didn’t sound too bad to Sehun. Who would want to return to a pack with a power mad leader?

“Why were you cast out?” Sehun asked.

This made Junmyeon look even more uncomfortable, and Sehun didn’t think he was going to answer. Whether he would have or not, he was saved the trouble. Jongin and Kyungsoo, who had decided to come with them, returned from walking ahead.

“We’re already at the park.” Jongin said. “Sehun, can you stop asking questions so we can get started?”

Sehun scowled at Jongin, but his friend had already started dragging him towards the park. Sehun was surprised to see Jongin this excited. He usually only got like this when he was about to enter a new club. Even then, he didn’t seem this excited.

Did Jongin like being a wolf?

They practised shifting in a closed off section of the park, where landscaping was being done during the day. Sehun had to act like he didn’t know what to do, and tried not to show his impatience at Junmyeon’s lengthy instructions. How he managed to make what Luhan had explained to him so complicated, Sehun had no idea.

“Can’t we just show Sehun what to do?” Jongin asked at one point, interrupting Junmyeon’s needless explanation. He was obviously getting impatient too, wanting to start the shift.

“Unfortunately, that won’t be of much help.”

“Then what will? Isn’t there a faster way than this?”

Junmyeon sighed. “Yes, there is. But that method isn’t exactly available to us.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Junmyeon paused. “It would require the presence of the wolf who bit Sehun. The best one to teach a new wolf how to shift is always the one who turned them.”

“Oh.” Jongin said, visibly disheartened.

“I’ll take Jongin.” Kyungsoo suddenly offered. “We’ll go shift. Come find us when Sehun’s ready.”

Junmyeon nodded. “Good idea.”

“Let’s go.” Kyungsoo said, taking Jongin’s arm and pulling him towards the trees. “We have to go get changed.”

“Can’t we just undress out here? I don’t see a problem.”

Kyungsoo swatted at him and Jongin grinned. Sehun watched them, unable to believe his eyes. Was Jongin already flirting with the other wolves? Supernatural circumstances or not, his friend really never changed.

“Alright.” Junmyeon said, turning back to Sehun as Jongin and Kyungsoo walked away. “Where were we?”

It was past three a.m. when they finally left the park.

“You did a really good job,” Junmyeon said, “For your first time purposefully shifting.”

“Uh, thanks.”

“How much do you remember? Don’t worry, if you don’t remember a lot. That’s only normal, since you haven’t had contact with your biter since your first shift.”

“Not much.” Sehun lied. “Flashes of running around. Stuff like that.”

Junmyeon nodded. “That makes sense. Next time, you’ll be able to remember even more.”


If Junmyeon noticed how unenthusiastic Sehun was, he didn’t let it show.

“I almost remember all of it.” Jongin said from behind them, where he was walking by Kyungsoo. Suddenly Sehun felt an arm wrap around his neck, yanking him backwards. He heard Jongin’s voice in his ear. “I remember beating you in our race.”

“I’ll believe that when I remember it for myself.” Sehun attempted to yank Jongin’s arm away, with no success.

“Fine, we’ll just ask the witnesses then.” Jongin turned to Kyungsoo.

“Hey, don’t look at me. You guys took off in the woods and I don’t know what happened after that. We lost you for a few minutes.”

“You could have just said I won.” Jongin said to Kyungsoo, then into Sehun’s ear again, “Because I did.”

“Like I said, when I remember it I’ll believe you.”

“Fine. Then let’s race again. Now.”

“Wait, now...?” Sehun trailed off as Jongin released him, suddenly sprinting ahead. Sehun cursed to himself and glanced at Junmyeon, who waved him on with a bemused expression. Sehun ran after Jongin, glad it was late enough for the streets to be nearly empty.

Jongin disappeared around a corner, down an alley. Sehun followed, but when he got there Jongin was gone. At least, that was what he thought at first. Scanning the alley Sehun found Jongin smirking at him from the fire escape above, red eyes shining.

Shaking his head, Sehun couldn’t help a small grin as he crouched and jumped, landing on the second level of the fire escape. Jongin was already two levels above him. Sehun gave chase.

By the time they reached the roof, Sehun was right behind Jongin, albeit slightly out of breath. Racing through the fairly flat park was one thing; climbing up a fire escape right after hours of exercise was another entirely.

Still, when they got to the top and Jongin took off running right away, Sehun didn’t hesitate to follow. He couldn’t let Jongin win this race, after all. It would mislead him, making him think he’d won the race in the park.

Now that they were on the flat roof, Sehun could make more use of his speed. And he did, catching up with Jongin easily. However, Sehun was so caught up in reaching and surpassing Jongin, he didn’t realized they’d reached the edge of the roof. Sehun peddled to a stop, one of his feet actually slipping into thin air. He quickly leaned back in an effort to balance himself, and ended up falling on his ass. At least it was better than falling off the roof.

Jongin, meanwhile, had been prepared for the jump. He landed easily on the adjacent roof, then turned to smirk at Sehun. Even though it was night, and Jongin was rather far away now, Sehun could still see it when he mouthed: “I win.”

Glaring, Sehun pushed himself to his feet. Taking the time to steady himself from his near fall, Sehun crouched and leaped over, landing beside Jongin.

“I win.” Jongin said.

“I heard you the first time.”

“No you didn’t, because I didn’t actually use my voice the first time. Which is why I’m using it now.” He leaned in, face inches from Sehun’s, and whispered. “I win.”

Sehun shoved his face away and strode the side of the roof that overlooked the street. Crouching there, Sehun peered at the road and sidewalk below. He could make out Junmyeon and Kyungsoo, walking leisurely back to the apartment.

“We’ll catch up with them in a minute.” Jongin said, sitting next to Sehun. “At least, I know I will. Think you’re fast enough for that?”

“I am faster than you, you know.” Sehun muttered, “I just hesitated.”

“Go ahead and tell yourself that, if it makes you feel better.” Jongin leaned his head back, smiling at the starless sky. “It’s all kind of cool, isn’t it?”

“Which part? The being supernatural freaks or the painful forced transformation?”

“As optimistic as ever.”

Sehun studied Jongin, who was still smiling up at the night sky. “You’re not actually happy that his happened, are you?”

Ever since Sehun had gotten up that afternoon and seen Jongin in such a good mood, he’d been wanting to ask that question. As much as he’d wanted to see his friend in better health, Sehun didn’t know how he felt about the idea that Jongin might actually be glad they’d been turned.

Sehun had kept telling himself he’d been mistaken, that Jongin wasn’t happy, but at hearing Sehun’s question, Jongin only shrugged.

“It’s not like we can change it, right? Besides, I like these new abilities, and as painful as the first shift was, that’s not going to happen again. Not now that Junmyeon’s teaching us to control the shifting. Might as well make the best of it.”

“How can you say something like that?!” Sehun demanded. “Jongin, we were attacked and turned into these things against our will! Even if you can’t remember being bitten, I’m pretty sure you didn’t accept it willingly!”

“I’m not sure about that.”

The indignation Sehun had felt moments before died, replaced by confusion. “What?”

“I can’t remember being bitten at all. Not the actual bite, or the circumstances surrounding it. Who’s to say I didn’t agree to it?”

“Are you joking?”

“No. Look, I know it might be hard for you to understand, Sehun -”

“Of course it’s hard to understand! Why would you agree to have your life screwed up like this!”

“Because it was Luhan asking.” Jongin said. He smiled to himself. “I know I didn’t mention him to you before, and that I only knew him a little while, but the truth is Sehun, I really liked him. As in, I really, really liked him. The fact that he wanted to make me like him must mean he feels the same way. I know I would have agreed if that was the case.”

Sehun was so stunned it took him awhile to find his words. “You’d throw away your life for him?”

“I didn’t throw away my life. I changed it. And yeah, I would have changed it for him. Which I obviously did.” Jongin blew out a breath. “I know he’s part of the other pack, but I can’t see Luhan being like his leader. He’s probably just there because he’s forced to be. Maybe there’s a way we can, I don’t know, rescue him.”

“Rescue him?!” Sehun spluttered. “After all that’s happened, you want to help him?!”

“Weren’t you listening? Of course I want to help him. He’s important to me, Sehun. And obviously I’m important to him too.”

Jongin had a stupid smile on his face when he said that. It disgusted Sehun. How could Jongin be so blind? Luhan wasn’t some kind of loving angel. Even if he cared about Jongin, he didn’t care about Sehun, or ruining his life. Surely that had to matter to Jongin, the fact that his apparent perfect mate had used and discarded his best friend. Even if Jongin had been a lousy friend in the past, that at least had to mean something.

“Come on.” Jongin said, suddenly getting to his feet. “We should try and catch up with Kyungsoo and Junmyeon. At least, you should try. I know I can catch up.”

Sehun glared at Jongin’s grin. “You’re not faster than me.”

“Actually, I technically am, since I was turned on the full moon. The only way you’d be faster than me is if the wolf that turned you is faster than Luhan, which he probably isn’t.”

Sehun stared at Jongin. “What -”

“Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.” Jongin said, not hearing Sehun. “I tried to get the others to tell me, but they said it was private and you should be the one to tell me, if you wanted to.”

“Tell you what?”

“Who turned you.” Jongin said. “I still don’t know. I figured it was one of the other wolves from Luhan’s pack, probably loitering around the club with him that night I brought you. So? Do you remember who the guy is?”

Sehun was too stunned to reply. Jongin didn’t know. He didn’t know Luhan had also turned him.

“I hope you remember.” Jongin added, slinging an arm around Sehun’s shoulder and guiding him across the roof. “Because as soon as we’ve gotten Luhan out of that other pack, we’ll make the guy who turned you sorry.”

Sehun wanted to laugh. If only Jongin realized what he was saying. Save Luhan only to make him pay.

“So?” Jongin asked. “Do you remember?”

Sehun met Jongin’s untroubled eyes. It was then that Sehun realized, by his friend’s relaxed, almost content expression, that Jongin had made peace with what had happened to him. And the only reason he’d done that was because he thought Luhan had turned him so their worlds could be joined. Maybe that was Luhan’s reason for turning Jongin. Sehun didn’t know. What he did know, was that wasn’t the reason Luhan had turned him. He hadn’t even given him a choice, which Jongin apparently thought he himself had been given.

When he found out Luhan had also turned Sehun, and why Luhan had turned Sehun, Jongin’s image of perfect, loving Luhan would be crushed. And that in turn would crush Jongin.

Would he be able to deal with being turned, if he knew what Luhan was really like?

Still looking into Jongin’s eyes, Sehun said: “No. I don’t remember.”

Sehun didn’t sleep in quite as late the next afternoon. When he poked his head in Jongin’s room, however, he found his friend was still asleep. Sehun called out to him a couple of times, but Jongin didn’t stir. Typical, that even in this strange situation he’d return to his old sleeping habits right away.

Going into the living room, Sehun found the rest of the pack. He was surprised to see them doing fairly normal things. Kyungsoo was cooking again, and Junmyeon was attempting to help. He looked like better assistance than Baekhyun had been, at least. Baekhyun himself was playing a video game with Chanyeol, both their eyes glued to the television. If Sehun hadn’t known the truth, he would have assumed they were just a bunch of university students rooming together.

“Good morning.” Junmyeon said brightly, noticing Sehun.

“It’s 5:30 in the evening.” Sehun pointed out.

“That’s morning to us!” Baekhyun called from the couch, apparently not as absorbed in the game as Sehun had thought. “But if you’re going to complain, then good evening.”

Chanyeol knocked Baekhyun’s shoulder with his own, as a way to reprimand him for being rude, Sehun supposed, causing Baekhyun’s hold on his controller to slip. Chanyeol subsequently won whatever game they’d been playing. He didn’t have long to celebrate, because Baekhyun was immediately punching him in the shoulder and side, calling him a cheater.

“Did you notice if Jongin was up?” Kyungsoo asked Sehun.

“No, he’s not. Actually...” Sehun cleared his throat. “There’s something I want to ask you guys while he’s still asleep.”

That got Kyungsoo and Junmyeon’s attention. Even Chanyeol started blocking Baekhyun’s assault on him so he could turn his attention to Sehun.

“It’s not a question, really.” Sehun went on, suddenly unsure how to explain his request. “It was something I was hoping you guys could do for me?”

“What is it?” Junmyeon asked, looking concerned.

Sehun took a breath. “I don’t want you guys to tell Jongin that Luhan turned me.”

Everyone stared at him, surprised and confused.

“I told him I can’t remember who turned me.” Sehun added. “If he ever brings it up, can you guys just go along with it?”

“Why?” Baekhyun demanded.

“Because he... Jongin really likes Luhan, and if he knew that Luhan was the one who turned me it would hurt him.”

Baekhyun’s gaze narrowed. “He deserves to know what the purebloods are like.”

“I know, but can you just not tell him for now?”

“A pack doesn’t lie to each other.” Baekhyun said. Next to him, Chanyeol shifted uncomfortably, but only Sehun noticed, and he was suddenly too frustrated to pay it much mind.

“You guys left it to me to tell Jongin what wolf I was turned by, because it was private. I’ve decided to keep it private. I’m just asking you guys to go along with my decision.” Sehun’s tone lost some of its terseness, edging towards desperation. “Can we just wait to tell him? Being turned is bad enough. I want to wait until he adjusts before giving him something else to worry about.”

For a moment, the others didn’t say anything. Baekhyun still didn’t look happy, but at least he wasn’t arguing anymore.

“I think that’s a good point.” Junmyeon finally said. “But he will need to know eventually. However, for now we’ll abide by your wishes.”

Sehun’s shoulders sagged with relief. “Thank you.”

“I still don’t think this is right.” Baekhyun muttered, earning a flick in the head from Chanyeol. Baekhyun glared at him. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t keep quiet, I just said I don’t agree.”

“Yeah.” Sehun said dryly. “Thanks for letting me know that.”

Baekhyun turned his glare to Sehun. “I’m trying to help you too, you know. When Jongin finds out he’ll be mad you kept it from him.”

Sehun hesitated, then he glowered. Baekhyun had known Jongin for three days. That was nothing compared to the years he’d been friends with Sehun. “He’ll understand.”

Baekhyun held Sehun’s gaze a moment longer, then turned back to the television with a shrug. “If you’re sure.”

Sehun clenched his hands into fists at his sides. That was the problem, as much as he hated to admit it. He wasn’t sure. For all he knew, when Jongin found out the truth and that Sehun had kept it from him, he might want to see him even less than Luhan.

“So how many purebloods are there, in total?”

Sehun and Chanyeol were out walking again. They’d left after Sehun had something to eat, before Jongin had woken up. Chanyeol was supposed to be training him in recognizing and tracing scents, but instead Sehun was using the time to find out more about the wolves. Once he got Chanyeol talking, it was easy to keep him distracted and learn whatever he wanted.

“How many?” Chanyeol said. “There’s four. At least, four in the city. There’s probably more all around the world, plus the parents of the current purebloods were also purebloods, but they’re dead now.”

“What do you know about them? The purebloods in the city?”

“Well, there’s Luhan, but you already know him. Then there’s the leader of the other pack. He’s apparently the most powerful of the purebloods.”

“What about the other two?”

Chanyeol looked uncomfortable, like he did when Sehun asked certain questions. Sehun still wasn’t sure why, but he’d find out. “Um, well, the oldest pureblood is in the other pack.”

Sehun frowned. “I thought the leader was the oldest.”

Chanyeol shook his head. “Age doesn’t factor in. The leader’s father was the old leader of the pack, so it got passed down through him. That’s always how leaders are chosen among the purebloods, unless the old leader is challenged by another wolf in the pack. In that case, if the old leader is defeated, the wolf who defeated him becomes the new leader.”

Sehun was still storing the information when Chanyeol added. “The leader of the other pack is actually younger than Luhan, too. Not by much though.”

“Younger?” Sehun asked. “How old is Luhan?”

Chanyeol shrugged. “Older than me. That’s all I know.”

Sehun was shocked. He’d thought Luhan had been close to his own age - maybe even younger. He’d certainly looked young. Maybe it was a wolf thing. Then again, Chanyeol looked his age.

Maybe it was a pureblood thing.

“What about the fourth one?”

Chanyeol started twisting his jacket sleeves around his hands nervously. “The fourth what?”


“Oh.” Chanyeol paused. “He’s a bit younger than the other leader.”

“The youngest pureblood?”

Chanyeol nodded, still looking nervous.

“So if there’s four purebloods, does that mean there’s only four wolves in the other pack?”

Now, Chanyeol seemed oddly relieved. “No. There’s six in the other pack. The extra members were all turned by one of the purebloods.”

“Were you with the other pack when Junmyeon created his?”

“No, none of us were. Junmyeon found me and Baekhyun and Kyungsoo after he made his own pack. I’ve only ever seen the other pack a few times, and never all together.”

“So... were you turned by someone in the other pack?”

Now Chanyeol looked more uncomfortable than Sehun had ever seen him. Realizing this might be a touchy matter, Sehun said. “Sorry. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just, it’s like what you want us to tell Jongin about who turned you. I don’t remember.” Chanyeol was pulling at his sleeves so frantically Sehun thought he might accidentally use his strength and rip them. “I’ve seen all the other pack, at least once, so I know it can’t be one of them, which means it had to be a stray wolf, probably passing through the city. I don’t know. I was alone after I got bitten, until Junmyeon found me. That was almost six months after I got my bite. If he’d found me sooner, maybe...” Chanyeol abruptly let go of his sleeves. “Never mind.”

As curious as he was about what Chanyeol had started to say, Sehun could see he was really upset by the topic and didn’t push it. He didn’t ask anymore questions as they rounded the corner and saw the apartment complex up ahead.

“So if the others ask.” Chanyeol said. “I taught you a lot about following scents, right?”

“I’m pretty much a professional tracker now.”

Chanyeol held the door open for Sehun when they entered the building. Since the complex was so old the elevator didn’t work very well. On his first day there Chanyeol had told him to always use the stairs. The elevator could by no means be trusted.

They’d almost reached their floor when Baekhyun came pounding down the stairs, hands shoved in the pouch of his hoodie. Sehun caught only a glimpse of his face, contorted in rage, before he passed them.

“Baekhyun?” Chanyeol called, “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” Baekhyun demanded, stopping on the bottom step and scowling up at them. At Sehun, specifically. “What’s wrong is purebloods are a waste of air, and your naive friend needs to understand that before he gets himself killed.”

Before either of them could reply, Baekhyun turned and started down the next set of stairs. Chanyeol started to call out but Baekhyun’s heavy footsteps just kept getting further away.

“You go up on your own.” Chanyeol said to Sehun. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

Sehun watched Chanyeol hurry after Baekhyun. Still confused as to why Baekhyun was so mad, Sehun made his way up to the apartment. He was just in time to catch Jongin himself leaving, slamming the door behind him. When he spotted Sehun the anger in his features made way for surprise, but only for a moment. Then the anger was back, only barely controlled.

“What happened?” Sehun asked.

“I told them I wanted to rescue Luhan.” Jongin said, “They told me it was pointless, and that I’d die trying to get him out.”

“The other pack does sound strong.”

Jongin glared at him. “So you’re on their side now too? I thought you were behind me on this!”

“I’m not against you.” Sehun said carefully. “I just think you should listen to what they have to say-”

“I did listen! But they couldn’t give me a good reason not to go after him! They just kept saying it was dangerous - too dangerous. It’s like they don’t even care that he has to deal with the same danger all the time, and that we’re the only ones that can help him! I definitely know Baekhyun doesn’t want to help him! You know what he said? He said that purebloods don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves, and I should give up on Luhan because he’d do the same if it were me! Can you believe that?! He doesn’t even know Luhan!”

Sehun’s mouth felt dry. “What did you say to him?”

Jongin scoffed. “Nothing. I punched him.”

“You punched him?!”

“He deserved it. He had no right to talk about Luhan like that, as if he were trash just because he’s a pureblood.”

Sehun felt like tearing his hair out. “Jongin, you can’t punch one of the guys who saved you just because you don’t like something he said! We’re indebted to these people!”

“Think of it that way if you want.” Jongin sneered. “I’m not indebted to them at all. If they hadn’t found me during the full moon, I’m sure Luhan would have. He would have been there for me. So I have to be there for him too.”

Sehun didn’t know what to do. No wonder Baekhyun had been so angry when they’d seen him. Because he’d kept Sehun’s secret, he’d gotten punched. At least he’d kept the secret. As much as Sehun didn’t want to talk to the very irritable Baekhyun, he’d have to thank him later.

“So?” Jongin asked, getting Sehun’s attention again. “Are you going to help me or not?”

Sehun opened his mouth. No words came.

Jongin’s eyes flashed red. “I thought you were my friend.”

Jongin pushed past Sehun. Before he could reach the stairs, Sehun grabbed his arm. Jongin tried to shake him off but Sehun tightened his hold. He didn’t let go, not even when Jongin met his eyes.

“I am your friend.” Sehun said. “I’ll help you.”

Jongin didn’t exactly look happy, but he didn’t look as mad as he had a moment before. He took a breath, nodding to himself. “Good.”

Sehun released his arm.

“I’m going for a walk.” Jongin said, after an awkward moment. “To... clear my head, you know.”

“Yeah. Good idea.”

Jongin nodded to Sehun once more, then started down the stairs. Heaving a breath, Sehun turned back to the apartment and opened the door.

He was surprised to find Junmyeon and Kyungsoo sitting on the couch, talking quietly. Kyungsoo seemed to be comforting Junmyeon.

“He doesn’t know.” Kyungsoo said. “If he knew, he wouldn’t say something like that. It’s not your fault. You haven’t done anything wrong.”

Junmyeon’s reply was so quiet, Sehun’s heightened senses almost didn’t pick up his voice. “But I have. I’ve done so much wrong.”

Kyungsoo didn’t say anything, just squeezed Junmyeon’s shoulder. That was when Kyungsoo noticed Sehun in the doorway. His eyes widened, making them very large. He quickly pulled his hand away from Junmyeon, causing Junmyeon to look over as well. Sehun was surprised to see that Junmyeon’s eyes looked red, and not in the sense that they were glowing.

Junmyeon turned his face away and pushed to his feet. By the time he was walking over to Sehun, he looked normal.

“How was your walk with Chanyeol?”

“Fine.” Sehun said. “He’ll be up in a minute. He went after Baekhyun.”

Junmyeon nodded, unsurprised. “Do you want to head out to the park now, or would you like to rest first?”

“I don’t need to rest, but shouldn’t we wait for...” Sehun didn’t finish.

“I’ll stay here tonight.” Kyungsoo said. “If... when Jongin comes back, we’ll come to the park, if he wants to go.”

“Thank you.” Junmyeon said to Kyungsoo, then with one of his calming smiles for Sehun. “So shall we go?”

Sehun nodded, still glancing between Junmyeon and Kyungsoo in confusion. Had they been talking about Jongin when he came in? But why would that upset Junmyeon so much?

Sehun forced the thoughts away as he and Junmyeon left. He had bigger problems to worry about. Like the fact he’d told Jongin he’d help him save Luhan.

Luhan, who was the last being, human or wolf, that he ever wanted to see again in his life.

4 I 6

chaptered, hunhan

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