(this is) a story of | crossover: btvs/skins | effy/dawn | for a combination of prompts, both for clockwork_hart1, one was on the run AU and the other i don't know where we're going but do you have room for one more troubled soul?
teen idle | arrow | thea(+/tommy) | pg -13 (just to be safe: mentions of substance abuse. grief.) | ~880 words | for lynzie914 who wanted thea queen fic for my fem!februrary meme of doom.
of breaking | dc, batgirl/black canary | for my fem!february meme of doom for ladymercury_10's prompt: i know it's a lie, i want it to be true? I'm sorry this is so terribly late. I hope you like it a bit, and forgive me for being late.
to breathe smoke | harry potter | pansy/daphne | 1695 words | PG-13, for some imagery (?) (I don't know, tbh) | for the fem!february comment!ficathon which you should all go visit, for killing_kurare's beautiful prompt, it's a sad, sad world // When a girl will break a girl just because she can