this is how you make meaning, you take two things and try to define the space between them

Dec 29, 2012 01:42

love-resolution is a lovely new community with lots of love and exchanging tv shows/movies/books/fics/whatever for other books/movies/things. ("I will do X for you if you do Y for me.) I already have a head start, with my arrangement with kwritten (which I've not forgotten about, don't worry) to watch Victorious if she watches Skins ♥ I hope we'll both enjoy it ♥

ANYWAY, onto my list: (my thread on the community post is here, the list is there, and lovely things are happening there; this is the longer version of my wish list, with ~explanations.


I wish someone would watch The Hour.

The Hour is flawless. Perfect, fierce women and beautifully flawed men and whiskey (Whiskey is God's way of telling us he loves us and wants us to be happy) and clothes and news and guh, the dialogue "Some nice girl needs to rescue you.” “Who? There's only ever been you…. and you're not even that nice.") and other things and the characters, the characters are so beautifully developed, all of them. Now that I've rambled enough, the show's about people running a news show called The Hour in the 50s. It's one of the prettiest shows I've ever seen, and creates such a lovely atmosphere. Also, there's Bel and Freddie and Lix and EVERYONE. LIX IS FREE OF FLAWS.

I wish someone would watch Coupling

A total of 4 seasons (22ish episodes) of a fantastic British sit-com, with a FABULOUS cast. (Gina Bellman is eternally flawless, as is Jack Davenport). Incredibly funny and also very sweet and full of lovely full moments in the lives of 5 sort-of-friends trying to navigate their love lives/careers while being complete idiots. Because friendship’s more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.

I wish someone would watch Smash

This woman is flawless. Jack Davenport (WHO IS IN THIS, GUYS, *flail*) is also flawless. Other people are flawless as well. There's singing and dancing and drama and theater and fantastic songs like I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl. SINGING AND DANCING, FOLKS, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

I wish someone would watch season 1 of One Tree Hill.

Season 1 of One Tree Hill was one of the best seasons of a teen drama EVER. Feels and what does this mean and hooking up and ALL THE THINGS. And the characters, you have to love the characters. The cheerleader who listens to punk and wants to hate the world because she's too scared to love it, the boy who likes to pretend all he cares about is basketball, until he doesn't anymore, the boy who cares about everything and broods, the lovely girl who shines with cheerfulness all the time and the girl who likes to appear happy all the time, even if she's not. EVERYONE is beautiful and young and shiny.


I wish someone would read His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman. Trust me on this. The most fantastic fantasy ever. One of the wisest trilogies I've ever read. You will fall in love with everyone. Lyra is the most fantastic girl in existence.

I wish someone would read the Sandman comics. One of the best literary works ever. I'll say nothing more.

Writing (the part in which I am a demanding brat.)

I wish someone would write fic for The Hour. Bel/Freddie is my love.

I wish someone would write PotC Jack Sparrow/Tia Dalma fic.

I wish someone would write tVD Damon/Elena fic in which Elena goes crazy (think Drusilla in Buffy, or anyone who went crazy ever) and they just live and go around and kill people.

I wish someone would write me some lovely Gossip Girl Georgina/Jack fic

I wish someone would write some tVD Caroline/Kol. Pretty brats forever.

i do not even know how to tag this, kelpy this is all your fault

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