i'm a meme stealer, but i never hurt nobody

Dec 29, 2012 00:11

Because I feel like mingling more with graphics again ♥ stolen from ever-neutral, who's always worth stealing from.

pick a number + fandom/character/ship, whichever suits your fancy ♥

01.Faceless (caps where the subjects face is not visible)
02.Looking Down (caps where the subject is looking down)
03.Bruised & Battere (gore & damage: caps where the subject is banged up)
04.Up Close & Persona (screencaps where the subject is in close up)
05.Scenerygas (the subject of these caps is the dominant scenery)
06.Full Body Shot(s (caps where the subjects full body is in the shot)
07.Colours Aboun (caps with great colouring even before editing)
08.Silhouette (the subject should be in silhouette)
09.My Emotion (caps where the subject is displaying strong emotion)
10.the Spac (the focus of these caps is interesting use of space [often negative, because negative space is the best kind of space])
11.Light (caps with great base lighting, even before editing)
12.Tickles My Pickl (whatever. who knows what might happen)


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