I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal, or: 4x04 thoughts

Nov 02, 2012 17:43

i lol at this show.

there was no caroline.

lol. what i really want is a jeremy/april/rebekah/matt love rectangle. that would just make all of my days a lot more enjoyable. but most of all, i really just want rebekah to make friends.

bonnie was there. of course the suspiciously witchy guy turned out to be suspicious.
bonnie do not frown upon elena enjoying her feeding. if you continue to do this, it will annoy me. but more on this later.

stefan continues to be manipulative, klaus is doing wonders for his character. but lol stefan maybe you should have a talk with elena, rather than, you know, making decisions for her? but i did enjoy his interaction with klaus and rebekah. i need more brotherhood angst, wasn't enough of it, tbqf.

never change, please.

these two can stay 5 forever, fine with me.

also, this guys:

klaus is still all about hybrids, which why? but while we get GLORIOUS angst like we did today, i'm ok with that.

BECAUSE GUYS HOW GLORIOUS WERE ALL OF THEIR SCENES? I HAVE NO WORDS, I JUST WANT ALL OF IT, ALWAYS, ON MY SCREEN. those two just want the other to tell them it's ok and they'll love the other forever, my bss.


damon was glorious, but is anyone still surprised by that?

but elena, people, HER FACE AND HER SMILE, that girl should get fresh blood all the time.

everyone (fine, i mean bonnie) should stop trying to make elena feel guilty.


they're not trying to make her feel like she shouldn't kill people. she's not tried that, she doesn't want that, it's not about that.

i also don't feel like anyone's trying to say is that she shouldn't feed on people, cause everyone's aware that she can't handle non-fresh human blood and it's really drink fresh or die soon, xoxo elena.

so what remains as the only conclusion that makes sense is that the show/bonnie want elena to feel bad because she's enjoying it. which is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING AWFUL ON SO MANY LEVELS. she doesn't kill them, she doesn't ~damage them, everything she does is take a bit of their blood. (and mind you, she's not being judged for taking their blood, she's being judged for enjoying it.)

which, really, bonnie, the next time someone stands by your plate while you eat lunch and make you feel awful because you're enjoying your pork which used to be a happy pig rolling around in mud, well, then we'll talk.

basically, what damon says makes sense. let's try to give it some structure, shall we?

1. vampires are predators.
2. they need blood in order not to be hungry.
3. but they also "get off" on the hunt and well, the predatorish part of being a, well, predator.

looking at it from that pov, what damon's saying DOES make sense: he gets his kicks from drinking from alive people and HAVING FUN with what he's doing. he decides to be in control, because he doesn't kill (unless he wants to) but he uses the opportunity to have some fun.

what stefan does is looks at it from a completely different angle, his division is very strict. animal blood=control, human blood= no control, and no control=no fun. stefan's doing the angel thing (having a curse that means he'll become a monster if he "has fun") only well, with stefan there's no actual curse, only his own assessment of his situation, which is that if he enjoys things for one second, he'll become a ripper again and all hell will break loose. for him, having fun means losing control, because he's never really learnt to take pleasure in just feeding on someone, he needs to go all the way if he's doing it, which is why he goes for the kill, always.

and now if we return to our current situation, which is elena needing blood and needing to learn how to feed on a human and continue being able to look at herself in the mirror, i see no problem with her having some fun with feeding on humans (without causing them permanent damage, which she hasn't) and by doing that, assuring that she's never too hungry and never feels the need to go off on a ripper/killing spree: because she's already gotten her kicks, thankyouverymuch.

so, show, i will continue to have problems with everyone claiming that elena being a vampire and having a different eating regime than humans means she should never again have fun with her food.

also i enjoyed the trash quasi orgies scene at the bloodied party. never change, my OTP.

character: damon salvatore, character: klaus mikaelson, fandom: the vampire diaries, thoughts, salvatore as in savior, tvd is love, character: rebekah mikaelson, rebekah is the queen of her kingdom, character: elena gilbert, pairing: damon/elena

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