(no subject)

Mar 13, 2005 02:57

hmm... tonight i walked back from kyles cabin to my apartment. it took me an hour and a half. the stars lit my way and i was not scared of the mountainous gorges on either side.

i couldnt stay there..so many reasons floating around in my head that helped me pick up my boots and wander. i dont want you to think im causing drama because that was the last thing on my mind. i would have crawled out of my skin if i stayed there in the dark any longer than i did.

everything you share me with is communal and spread amongst your other chums. that was fine until you had to hold me closer than expected. and now youve let go and im stuck waiting to jump or skip into your circle's circumference.

and i dont wait. and i tried really hard to keep my mouth shut. i tried to not be overwhelming or hard. but nothing worked for you. i cant help it but its goodbye and its the last time. the ending of things is so sad for a bit...but it also marks the beginning of something new and different. we cannot regress but move forward with what new relationship we will make/have together. it will resemble the old one eventually im sure but for now...i can only guess.

so, my burts bees chapstick, im putting the cap on you for awhile and using blistex.
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