spring break

Mar 11, 2005 12:09

well kiddos, my spring break was fabulous.

the canoe trip ruled and i made sweet chums with brian, travis, josh, nate, and a few others. i got heinously freckley and enjoyed floating down a river for two days. the beach was awesome and i subsequently jumped in the freezing water with my skivvies on: i highly recommend it.

saw mark when i got back and we are simply two jenga pieces that have yet to be pulled. exciting and scary and laughable all at once.

he drove me to charlotte and the drive was beautiful: blue skies, windy chill, and dance music. once in the queen city i saw my sisters and loved them more and more. my mom and i had a few words but among all our differences she made me feel stronger about all the decisions ive made and will continue to make.

i baked good as hell cookies which scoobers actually liked. i hung out with jenny and emily at pat's house and it felt swell. i ran through my neighborhood until i thought my lungs would burst. sodgel ad i basked in the sun while i tried to read for my 10 page paper due tuesday. saw mike randomly and it was fun if not somewhat awkward:hope all is well amigo. jenny, emily, and i ate at tai pei south after seeing chuck and it was delicious. i had to leave unexpectedly soon which saddened me greatly. and i had to leave twink, which made me even sadder. still the ride back to boone was fun and filled with bjork.

today i woke up refreshed and confident in the fact that twink will be happier in charlotte for now.

so i miss my sexy sexy already and cant wait to visit her in raleigh. hope emily comes back soon. now i need to get a paper done!

adios and sorry to those whom i didnt see.
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