Mar 27, 2006 10:14
It's only 11:15 and I'm already having a shitty day!
I got up vaguely on-time, which is progress for me, and the plan was to head up to my 9 o'clock lecture, come down to town and pick up my passport form (guess who managed to fill in totally the wrong section on her last one...) and get some passport photos taken. And bearing in mind that I was having photos taken I TOTALLY straightened my hair, did my make up really nicely... I actually looked good, and it takes a hell of a lot for me to say that about myself.
And then I stepped outside the front door to find it is POURING down with rain.
Honestly, I find it hard that a place as gorgeous as Aber can look so effing horrible when it rains! It really was miserable this morning - I got drenched, and just ended up walking along thinking '17 days till Texas... 17 days till Texas..." So anyway, there went the hair and make up *sigh* - and did I mention that I've misplaced my bus pass? I actually attempted to walk up the hill to my lecture, but I got about five minutes into the walk and had just had enough. I swore to myself (even though this was my week of 'I will go to everything without fail' that I'd do the lecture from the Blackboard slides later today, and I headed to town instead since I was pretty close to the town centre by this time, thinking I could just do the passport stuff and go home.
Anyway, went to Woolies and had some passport photos taken. And not only did I look really bad (after being drenched in rain, though, it was to be expected!) but the background was more grey than white, and I started to wibble about whether the passport office would accept this or not. So I decided (since I need to get this right first time at Liverpool this time next week!) that I'd go and try at Jessops and see if they did passport photos. They apparently do, but their machine is down. *sigh* So I ended up getting the bus up to the Co-Op near where I used to live - and because I didn't have my bus pass I had to pay 80p that I really didn't have - to get more passport photos done there.
And guess how the background turned out?
So now I have two sets of photographs that I'm not sure the passport office will actually accept. *le sigh* And I don't know what to do. I don't know if there's anywhere else (save the EVIL passport photos machine in our student union that shows up each and every single blemish without fail!) that does passport pics, and getting another set done means that I'll have spent £10.50 on getting some! But... I do need a decent set for America. *sigh* So I guess I'll go up to campus early tomorrow and get some done at the evil photo booth- and put them plus my form in the post to Kelv who's going to countersign them for me - before my 10 o'clock lecture. And this is bad, because I'm stuck with this passport for ten years and I don't want a shitty photo. But if it's that or not go to America, I'll take the crappy photo.
So that was a whole bunch of hassle that I didn't need. And then I went into Dorothy Perkins to cheer myself up... and ended up buying things. I did find some great stuff, though! I found a cute, light stripy blouse that will be perfect for summer, in the sale as well! And then I discovered the world's most gorgeous top - it's slimming, dark with flowered on and a ruffled neckline that REALLY works for me. And then... I found a dress.
Now, to call this dress merely 'a dress' is like just calling Colin Firth 'some bloke.' This dress, this wonderful wonderful dress is the most gorgeous, fantabulous, incredible item of clothing I own. I tried it on, and at once I knew that this dress and I could do great things together. It's camouflage-green and it's slimming, pretty and swishy! It's from the tall section which is probably why it works so well on me - me being the near-midget that I am, it falls at knee-length which is always really flattering. And, there's the cutest belt on it that is so slimming. And did I mention that it's pretty?! It's perfect for summer OR wearing over jeans if it's cold...
I believe I have found my soul mate. And I think we shall be very happy together. :)
Anyway, thank god for store cards is all I can say :) And thank god for student loans so I can pay this all off in April!!!
Grrr I have tonnes to do today. I need to start my bloody presentation, do the Cell Bio notes from this morning and do my Ecology coursework... and then I've got to fill in that passport form, ring Kelv and let him actually KNOW he's countersigning these photos, wibble more about photos and wish eternal dammnation upon evil photo booths... and I did want to tidy my room and stuff today too, but I fear that may be a tad optimistic!
I can't wait for Easter. This time next week I'll be at home - well, in Liverpool - and hopefully going to see Less Than Jake in the evening. And yes I'll still have Uni work and stuff to do... but it will be soooo much more relaxing to just spend my days lolling in front of the fire with my cat, watching chat shows and revising - and then going to the pub in the evenings. :) Sounds pretty damn perfect, actually.
passport hassle