Oct 25, 2005 18:09
Okay, I made it to my 9am lecture and that was me done. I felt so ill, so came home (picking up trashy magazines and fatty foods en route!) and spent the day wallowing in bed. I slept about six hours and feel a lot better for it - I had to cancel dinner with Cat, though, which I felt bad about. We were meant to go for food, a few drinks, and a good chat. But oh well, we'll reschedule and I'll buy her a drink or something to apologise for cancelling which I feel rotten about.
Anyway I've now got a three-hour practical and another two lectures to catch up on, in addition to all of last weeks that I missed. *sigh* If I feel up to it later I'll try and catch up ALL my Microbiology notes, which will be an entire module up to speed. I need to prepare for my tutorial too. Eep, I'm really worried now that I'm so far behind - I know from last year's experience that it's pretty hard to get back up to speed when you've lost track of things. But it's only a week's work, and I'm pretty confident I can catch it up - I will catch it up!
In my absence we appear to have acquired mice in our house. So we now have mouse traps in the cupboard which I'm not happy about, but... I guess we do need them. :(
The weather here is a far cry from Texas! It's been hailing today and right now it's rainy and the sea, which we can see from our lounge, is mostly white since it's so choppy!! I'd love to go down to the seafront right now (I love watching the sea) but since I'm in my pyjamas and barely have the energy to go and make a cup of tea, this probably isn't a good idea!!
Amazon is luring me... Must resist... Bank balance cannot take much more... But new books!! *sigh*