Carn straya

Jan 26, 2014 21:19

This is my first Australia Day as an Australian citizen and the Childzilla's first one ever. It's also the quietest Australia Day I have ever had in terms of activities and socialising. Given this is normally Warpcon weekend in Cork, I've been doing something awesome this time of year for the last 16 years or so and it feels a bit strange to be so low key.

I am a bit sad that we are missing the spectacular fireworks that Sydney put on due to some also-quite-spectacular teething from Childzilla. But we did manage to catch up with friends for a bbq at the park and got in some serious time cuddling the dog and, for people with a teeny baby, we're not doing too badly on staying social. I'm feeling pretty chilled about this year.

Carn straya and here's to a good 2014 wherever you are.

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