Writing for fun? What's that?

Jun 15, 2011 13:58

Tomorrow I get to interview one of Australia's best known brewers, Chuck Hahn, the man responsible for all the various Hahn beers and the James Squire range of brews. It is very exciting, even if my brewery tour will be at 10am which means that getting to test the various beers is unlikely.  It will be my second beer article of the year, and the clipping with go with the 5 business ones and 2 travel ones I have published since 2011 began.

I have a blog that pays me to write (a small amount of cash, and a LOT of books) at Boomerang Books and several articles due to be paid by a couple of publications with a few more commissioned. I have earned enough this year to justify my cutting back to a 4-day working week in my day job.

My admin role at Sydney Uni continues to be fun - I work in the Learning Sciences, helping out with admin and media stuff, so I am doing a lot of conference organising (like this one) and article writing for them. I have my own office, I can work from home and set my own hours, everyone I work with is pretty nice. The area is interesting too - the intersection between learning and computers; studying iPad and tablets in education, using virtual worlds to teach remotely, studying how architecture influences learning, all very interesting. Sydney Uni campus is 25 mins walk from my house and the campus is a lovely sprawl of green and older buildings. Its nickname amongst the students here is Hogwarts.

And preparations for both the Irish engagement bash (Dec 30th, Spailpin Fanach in Cork) and the actual wedding (July 2012 in Fiji) continue, with lots of cross world preparation and email going on. I've also just send in my permanent Australian residency ap, returned from a holiday in Magnetic Island, and am off to Canberra and Melbourne later this month. Planning a big trip at Christmas, planning on getting a cat, need to find someone to catsit the damned cat. Loads of stuff to do.

Which is good, but all that official writing, work writing, travel and sending constant emails about weddings means that this LJ has been a bit empty. Still here, I swear, along with Golden Boy who is still handsome and awesome as ever. Still reading - LJ is still the highlight of my online interactions, although I do like Facebook and Twitter for shorter stuff. Don't go away, LJ, I'm still here, just kinda busy right now. How have you all been doing?
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