ENFP-T - Campaigner personality

Jul 15, 2020 10:55

Free spirit; life of the party - but more interested in social and emotional connections more than anything.

Charming, independent, energetic, compassionate

Shaped by their Intuitive quality. Always looking for a deeper meaning.

Campaigners will bring an energy that sometimes thrusts them into the spotlight. Self-esteem is dependent on their ability to come up with original solutions. They need to have the freedom to innovate. They quickly lose patience with being trapped in a boring role.

Don't rely too much on your intuition, assume or anticipate too much about a friends motivations. Prone to misread signals.

Strengths - curious, observant, energetic, excellent communicators, now how to relax, popular

Weaknesses - poor practical skills, find it difficult to focus, overthink things, get stressed easily, highly emotional, independent to a fault
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