How has your week been?

Nov 10, 2011 20:05

It's only Thursday, but I'm answering it anyway.

So far, it's not been so bad.  Started it off absolutely *exhausted* after a very long weekend of tidying up.  So tired, and not quite sure if I was getting ill, on Monday morning... but I made it through the day (slowly), dragged myself up to uni class, dug some happy energy from somewhere and taught a reasonable class.  And then called in 'tired' to my other class at 344 (I don't teach that one) and went home to zombie on the sofa.  Literally.  Pete disappeared out to fix a friend of a friend's laptop, and apologised for being out.  I hadn't even had the energy to mind that he wasn't there.

Tuesday, Tuesday.  I'd originally said I'd go to housegroup, as the first of a new series was due to start.  Eventually I decided I ought to be at PCC instead, and emailed to that effect.  Turned out they cancelled house group anyway because 3 more of the 5 cancelled.  Maybe next week...!  Sleep-worked my way through the day, walked through to temple meads to catch the early train home, and then off I went to PCC.  To be eternally grateful, yet again, for our vicar's ability to keep meetings on track and not run overtime with them.

Wednesday. Wednesday was my free night.  I strolled home without worrying about time, chattered to Cheryl, had scrummy chips on the waterfront (thankfully it stopped raining) and then eventually wandered into Temple Meads and caught my train home.  Pete and I made sure everything was set up and clear for the shipping surveyors, and then it was bedtime.

Today, I'm getting less tired through the week.  Work's been good, I got home at 4 due to an office viewing this side of town in the afternoon, and since we are home home home this evening I have been baking away... 4 mini bananabread loaves are now cooling, along with a whole stack of cookies.  All with chocolate chunks. Awesomeness.  And it's only 8pm!  Feeling like I'm getting a chance to wind down properly for once, and appreciating that :)

Tomorrow, there is more work, and then a dancing class, and maybe a chat with a friend in the middle of it.  And Saturday I go visit my mum.  Complete with laptop, we have to sort through some photos.  And then Sunday, Sunday will be 'normal'... church, dancing, home for the evening.  And that will be a good way to end the week, I think. Ready to kick into gear next week!
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