Describe what you spend most of your time on.

Nov 07, 2011 21:37

Okay. I kinda ignored this for a while, because the last few questions weren't so exciting.  However, I feel I should try and finish it.  So, we move onto today's question: "Describe what you spend most of your time on.".

Sadly, the answer is not exciting. I go to work. it takes up more of my days Monday-Friday than anything else.

However, I don't always have my *brain* on work.  I daydream.  About life, about Australia, about the todo list that never seems to be done, about what I'm going to teach my class...

So, I guess, I split my time.
Work gets the majority, by virtue of being a full-time job. That's okay, it's quite fun, I like the guys, the varied, reactive nature of the job keeps me entertained and all in all there are worse places to be spending my time.
My friends, my friends, my friends.  When I can mix dancing with friends, that's even better.  But really, life is all about the people.  Especially at the moment, knowing somewhere in the back of my brain (even if I'm not acknowledging it out loud yet) that all too soon I won't have the opportunities to meet friends for dinner happily like I do now, I am making the most of every opportunity I get (and squeezing in one or two that by rights shouldn't fit into my busy weeks!).  Also included: facebook, online chat, phonecalls and emails to keep up with people that don't live in the same city as me!
Dancing. Dancing, and me-time.  Dancing is my escape. Me-time is my 'sort my head out and stop it spinning' time. When I'm dancing, I am happy. I enjoy the class, I enjoy relaxing, I enjoy not having to think too hard (occasionally!), I enjoy being around my friends, and I get to forget about life.  However, forgetting about it doesn't solve anything, doesn't fix anything, and doesn't stop my head re-starting to spin later.  That's why I need the me-time too.  Me-time varies, sometimes I can go a couple of weeks without any at all, then suddenly I'll be "oh my goodness I have to get some time!" and spend all evening hiding in the back bedroom with my paper and pencils trying to sort my head out.  I've got better at it, though, and I do usually find that I can get to a state where I feel at peace with the way things are again.
The hubs!  Don't forget the hubs! Although, poor guy, he's losing out badly at the moment to everything else that I am trying to squeeze in lots of before we put 3000 miles between us and our friends.  But he is being superbly wonderful about it all, incredibly supportive and uncomplaining, and I appreciate him many times in every day.
And finally, church.  I don't get as much prayertime as I would like, because I don't have the discipline to get to bed early enough to wake up in time to say my morning prayers a lot of the time (must make myself a mini-prayerbook, then I can take it on the train!).  I try and talk to God most nights, even briefly. Usually I get distracted, but occasionally I manage a proper conversation.  And church, well, church when I'm home.  Usually once on Sundays, occasionally twice, mostly morning service, occasionally evensong. And then there's house group, and PCC too.

Life is crazy. It's mostly fun, but it's still crazy. Somehow, in all the spinning, I manage to keep going.  And Pete picks me up when I fall.
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