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Jul 13, 2009 12:05

Oh brain, what is wrong with you? everyone else cottoned on to harry/draco in 2004 and yet it takes me the completion of the series, reading the complete works of Maya and the release of the sixth freaking film to get on that train.

ᅠSo now I'm reading the classics.ᅠ

ᅠ ᅠ I don't know what happened! Today something just clicked inside of me and it made so much sense. For years I could never understand everyone's' obsession with this ship. I always thought oh draco/harry, how cliché, how juvenile. I have come to the realisation however that I didn't get it because no one ever stopped to explain to me how you get from where we are in canon to where these to schoolboy rivals are jumping into bed with each other.
ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ I assumed it was all superficial, how to anyone with half a brain think that these two would be good together, they hate each other! I wanted something with history, a ship with co-dependence, equality, mutual admiration, something like my beloved Remus/Sirius. Ok I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for best friends, it is practically kink. So you see, really all I needed was for someone to sit me down and explain how to take the first step, how to get them to treat eachother like equals or at least to be in the same room as one another without either flying off the handle. That is another problem I had; i really cannot ship harry with anyone because I think in canon he is pretty much the worlds most rash egotistical immature prick. sorry jk. i do! I'm sorry, but every decision that boy makes i am like face palming. (I guess its the Griffindor spirit; I'm a Ravenclaw through and through) So really i just needed a story where Harry grew up a little bit, or maybe just wised up a bit. ᅠMaya's Quality of Mercy however, even managed to keep stupid decision!harry and prove to me that he actually NEEDS Draco, needs someone who can talk him down with a dry quip and actually think up a plan. That fic didn't even end up Harry/Draco and I was shipping it so hard you would not even believe. I surprised myself no end.ᅠ

So those are just some of my thoughts. I realise there is no one really listening to this but its nice to have it recorded for posterity. i have been in fandom for five years now and have always lurked, so I guess its about time I got some of my ideas out there.

Actually saying all this, the first slash fic, and very probably the first ever fic full stop, that i read was Harry/Draco, it was Irresistible Poison which I have discovered is considered a bit of a classic and oh my word that thing squicked me so bad for months. Got me hooked on slash and i;ve never looked back, but maybe its part of the reason I ran away from H\D for so long.ᅠ

Oh and one more thing! I have recently watched Harry Potter the Musical and have fallen so hard for their malfoy. (s)He is AWESOME and hilarious and everyone should see it. 

harry potter, fandom

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