Fic notes and comment post

Nov 04, 2010 10:24

I'm really excited that today is my IWRY day, and I hope that you are too. So, if you can, please leave a review for my IWRY story, If I Forget Thee.

The following liberties have been taken with facts and descriptions:
- The baggage claim in Ben Gurion Airport is actually after passport control.

- The apartment is only based on an actual apartment on Keren Kayemet Street, off of King George, where I stayed during July of 2009.

- The description of the exhibits in the Israel Museum comes from a visit in October of 2010, not August 2004. I don't know if they were the same then.

- The caption for the burial society plates (which are really currently on display in the museum) is snagged from wikipedia. So is the Ammunition Hill description.

- There was a terrorist attack on a bus driving on Jaffa Road, but it was on June 11, 2003, not in August 2004.

- I have no damn idea about medicine, skin or healing. Medical professionals beware.

- There is little to no mention of the side of Arab-Israelis, Palestinians or any of the many cultures and nationalities that live in Jerusalem or Israel in general. This was not meant to ignore them, but just because I am Jewish and what I'm surrounding myself with now is a lot of Jewish culture, and not so much Muslim or Christian or Armenian.

Most of the things in this fic have a source. Ask me about it and I can probably tell you.

General authors note: This story is not meant to be offensive. I apologize if we have different political/religious views. This simply stems from a feeling that I've had that shipping is a lot like religion in that it's difficult or impossible to change someone's mind about these things with logic. I chose to use Judaism because it's the religion with which I am most familiar. I chose to use Israel because I was there in 2004 (I didn't take notes because I didn't expect to write a fic, but I've got pretty clear memories) and because I'm there now. I chose Jerusalem because that's exactly where I am, and because I honestly cannot think of a city that has so much history, that people have fought over and died for less than fifty years ago. Maybe it's just a gap in my knowledge, but I don't know of a city that arouses more passion, and that's just the city I needed.

Citations- here are the sources of the quotes, in order (Zion is Jerusalem, by the way):
Psalms 137:5 (Title. "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let me forget my right hand")
Psalms 137:1
Psalms 20:2
Lamentations 1:8
Lamentations 1:1
Lamentations 1:4
Lamentations 1:17
Lamentations 2:10
Nachem (couldn't find another source, sorry)
This is what people say when they leave a shiva house, a house of mourning. I've been unable to find a textual source for it, but if you know it, I'd love to be able to cite it properly.
City of Gold, Blue Fringe
Psalms 122:3
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Blue Fringe
Psalms 122:6
Jeremiah 50:28
Jeremiah 33:10-11
Passover Hagaddah

I didn't think this needed mentioning, but I'll do it just in case: I love comments, but if you leave anti-Israel comments, I will delete them and get very angry. So don't do it on my journal.

fanfiction: iwry marathon, fanfiction: btvs/ats, ship: buffy/angel, character: angel, character: buffy summers

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