Dec 25, 2007 15:20
Merry Christmas, everyone. Happy holidays and whatnot to everyone who celebrates something different, of course. I finished with my case late last evening, concerning a wild Christian fanatic who went about burning down people's houses and whatnot. Mostly for their trees, because he considered it a "dirty Pagan tradition." [Case File #904] It was quite amusing, seeing someone go to such great lengths to have his ideals be seen, but yet killing people in the process, despite being a very strong believer in God and the Bible. [5+]
Haha, but that's not a very Christmas-y thing to talk about, I suppose. At least it's all finished and I can take a break until classes provide more work. [For once, I have to admit, I'm not impatient, haha.] Most of my Christmas day will be spent relaxing in bed, haha. Oh, by the way, I delievered a handful of Christmas cards to everyone I'm relatively close to. [5+]
It's nice to see L's returned early, too. He can spend Christmas here instead of on a case, haha. [But I don't know if he'd prefer that.] [-2]
Regardless, have a good day, everyone. [Note]
By the way, K--I have this Ginger Bread house kit thing. I was curious--if you want to make it, we can do that. I suppose I should just ask you face to face, but you're always reading, so I never know when you're busy or not, haha. [-2]
I hope K enjoys what I got him. I mean, it's nothing special. Just a set of bookmarks with the characters of various Greek mythological figures on them. I don't know if he's the type who likes to dog-ear his books; in any case, he's got book marks to do that or more to add to his collection. [-1]
I really... miss her. So much... I don't find it so strange or sudden that she would leave, considering how she's been battling with the concept of Whammy's for a long while now. I know it's best that she's gone somewhere else, somewhere she's comfortable. I hope she figures out all the questions she's been asking, too. Also, I really hope one day we can meet each other again. [5+]
I know she wouldn't want me to feel sad about her leaving, but I can't help it. I'm very glad she's some place she wants to be, but at the same time, I'm hurt to see her go. Though maybe that's just me being selfish. No one can't not be selfish in some form or another, I suppose. Allow me to grieve, I'm sure she understands that. [5+]
In her name, I'll still keep up the Reading Room for myself, K and anyone interested. [Note]
I don't know if it was also a huge shock Miss Alert and Zaviel were removed from the orphanage. I don't know, really, honestly. I was a bit surprised to see they were transferred to a mental health fascility, but I suppose it was best, especially in Zaviel's condition. Hopefully they're recovering together; they seemed really happy with one another. Though I honestly don't know anything more than what they chose to share in the public domain. [5+]
"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand." - Irish Blessing
This is not a time to be in such dreary spirits, I suppose. Still, remembering those who've gone from us, both the living and the dead, is something everyone should ponder about around such holidays. Let the dead rest, of course, but wish them good cheer in the world outside ours. And... thoughts for the health of those still alive. [-1]
Siochan leat, 3. Rath Dé ort, 5.
I sound sappy, being so happy I have K with me. I want to spend the entire day with him. Oh, God, thank God no one can see this. The only one who should know knows, I'm sure. [-1]