Dec 19, 2007 19:04

Working on a case in America [well, took place in, haha.] It's quite interesting. Very fitting for the season. I've been quiet among peers, both here and outside. I've been losing sleep on this as well as homework. [I'm not one to preach at K, I suppose then, hahaha.] [5+]

I think K might get the impression I'm mad at him. I've been so busy, I forget to acknowledge or speak with him. Though I'm sure he knows it's not for personal reasons, just work. I'm also sure he's also very busy with his reading. In either case, if you didn't get the message, K, here it is typed out for you, haha. [-1]

I want to get everything done before Christmas. I would rather like a holiday without doing any work, haha. Last Christmas I had been too busy reading a book to do anything. I guess I missed the decorating and whatnot this year, too. Maybe I'll pitch in and make some snowflakes to hang up. [5+]

Though most turn out to have holes in the shapes of numbers. [Old habits die hard, I guess.] [-4; -3]

Either way, just posting to take a breather. I've got a few more projects to finish up, but I figured I'd take ten or so minutes to just see what everyone has been doing, since going door to door and asking is a lot more tedious, haha. Mostly I've noticed more of the residents here have gotten blogs, too. Hello to you all, if I've not greeted myself properly: I am X. I'd say "but call me __" but I have no nicknames beyond my alias, and I rarely give that out as it is. [5+]

Also, yes: due to lack of funding what was given to me before I came here has diminished to a very low amount, haha, I hope you don't mind cards? I bought a set of those online for £2, so... Uh, yes, hopefully you won't mind. [It came with 30, so those with roommates might find one addressed to the both of you.] [-2]

Either way, happy holidays until next update. [Note]

In all honesty, I don't care much for Christmas. Not to say I never had a good Christmas. We spent it like any family would. Even if this is a very filtered entry, and even if you, I, can only read it, I don't think it's wise to mention family. Either way, I would work through Christmas, but for once in... I believe, four years, I want to spend it with the person I love. [5+]

I sound like a school girl. Thank God this is private. Shit, I'm talking to myself online now. [-2]
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