Who: Fio & Cadie
When: Sunday, Feb 19
Where: local gym
What: swimming, signing and uh...kissing
It was a little strange perhaps to go swimming in February, but that was the only reason the Monroe family had a pass to the local big box gym. They had an indoor pool and while Cadie’s parents were against working out in the traditional sense (they quite enjoyed hiking and biking, though the latter was becoming less frequent), they liked swimming. Cadie too wasn’t interested in exercising, but sometimes, swimming in the winter helped to beat the doldrums of winter before spring finally came.
Clad in a pair of Hawaiian floral board shorts, he jumped in the pool away from the lanes for people swimming laps. He didn’t do that either. His idea of swimming was fun and preferably with a diving board, though there was no diving board at this pool. It was still warm and wet and relaxing though.
Fio hated the gym and working out. It wasn't as if she didn't do enough with the cheerios, but her parents insisted that she keep up her workouts so she didn't get fat (she doubted that was ever possible). At least she could escape them with the promise that she was going to swim laps.
Her parents didn't like swimming when it was summer, let alone now in the winter. That meant that she could spend most of her time relaxing and just sort of dicking around before she had to go home. So she had changed into her black and purple two piece bathing suit and grabbed a towel to put on one of the lounge chairs before stepping slowly into the warm water. She was sitting on the steps across the pool when she noticed a familiar head of hair pop up from the water. “Cadie?”
Hearing his name, Cadie turned to see who it was. Since wearing contacts with chlorinated water was a bad idea, he had on his glasses. Really, if he wanted to seriously swim he should wear his contacts with goggles, but he wasn’t about to do that. So, he wore his glasses and they just got wet. Because of that, it took a moment for him to spy Fio. Waving, he headed over to her.
Fio smiled as she stood and swam to meet him midway where she could still just stand and smiled at him. “Hey. I didn't realize you were going to be here.” She said as reached out to hug him.
Well, it wasn’t really like he had planned it. His parents had decided to go after dinner and since he didn’t have much homework, he had agreed to join them. His mother was doing a yoga class while his father swam laps. *I come from time to time,* he signed, then made a face. Fio really didn’t know ASL and they were wet. There was no way to write anything down. Bugger.
Fio tilted her head as she watched him. This was a problem. She had no idea what he was saying and she was pretty sure that there wasn't anything that could be used for writing while they were in the water. “We... We don't need to talk,” She offered with a slightly awkward smile. “You wanna swim around together though?”
No, not really. Cadie just wanted to ogle her mildly in that bikini. It wasn’t perhaps the most revealing suit ever, but she had a great body and there was something to be said for a little mystery. *Sure,* Cadie agreed with a nod, splashing Fio lightly.
Fio giggled and tried to turn away from the splashing. “No fair!” She splashed back and grinned at him. Honestly, this was a lot better than just chilling out in the water. She always liked hanging out with Cadie, and seeing him shirtless wasn't too bad either.
*All’s fair in love and splashing!* he retorted, splashing her again until it devolved into an all out water fight and began to annoy other people. Sheepish, Cadie stopped, trying to think of what else they could do.
Reaching out, he pushed a wet lock of hair from her face, *You’ve got hair...there,* he added, not caring that she didn’t understand.
The splash battle was fun and she was giggling when they finally stopped. Her hands were also on his shoulders to keep herself up in the water since they had moved around in their splash battle.
Fio blushed a little and smiled when he pushed her hair away. “Thanks... Looks like no one else enjoyed our playing around.”
Cadie shrugged, *Their loss,* he signed, making a face at the other people. Awkwardly, he sort of floated for a moment, unsure what to do now. He didn’t want to get out of the water, it felt perfect, but he wanted to hang with Fio. It was a conundrum.
Fio really wished she could understand sign. It drove her crazy that she didn't know what he was saying. Grinning, she got an idea and motioned for him to follow her to the edge of the pool with the steps and sat down. She then dipped her finger in the water and wrote “Hi” on the floor outside of the pool.
Raising his eyebrows, Cadie waved back, *Hi,* he responded.
She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a dork. No, you can write with the water if you want to talk.” Fio tried to offer with a small shrug, suddenly feeling stupid for even thinking of the idea. “I mean if you still want to hang....”
She had missed his point. *I do,* he assured her with a nod, then pointed at what she’d written. ‘Hi’ and signed it again. Reaching for Fio, he made her hand wave now. He was trying to teach her sign. It was simple, rudimentary things, but it was a start.
Fio blinked for a moment before getting the picture. “You want to show me some sign?”
Nodding, he signed, *Hi. How are you?* then motioned for her to repeat it.
Watching the movements closely, Fio moved her hand slowly, trying to mimic him, mostly getting it right. “Like that?”
Nodding, Cadie repeated it, then shifted his body language so it looked as if someone else was talking, adding, *Good,* to the end. That was how you showed two speakers having a conversation in ASL. There was grammar just like in spoken or written English and it was not the same at all, which technically meant that he was bilingual. He motioned for Fio to try.
Fio smiled as she watched and then mimed him. “Does that mean like good or something?” It was interesting to watch a little and she really did want to learn. Honestly, Fio had felt bad that she hadn't tried before now since she had become friends with Cadie.
Smiling, Cadie nodded and signed *Good,* again, then repeated the same sign, this time with his hand down and a frowny face. *Bad.* It was these basics that ASL could be built on. *Hi, how are you?* he signed, then waited for her answer.
Fio smiled and nodded as she watched him, trying to absorb everything. It was a subtle difference in the movement to show good or bad. Vaguely, she wondered if that was true for most sign. When he asked the question, she signed good and then repeated the question to him. “Is that right?”
Nodding, Cadie smiled, pleased. Progress! This was more formal sign as opposed to slang, when he was with Kurt the signs tended to get sloppier, more loose and involve more slang, but this was Fio who was only barely learning anything.
By the time they were done, he had taught her a range of basics, including good/bad, yes/no, how are you, pleased to meet you and a few others. Not enough to have a conversation with, but enough to start on without being overwhelming. He felt pretty good actually. Having someone he could speak with without writing was one of his favourite things, even if it was only a few signs so far. It was better than nothing. Plus, once she caught on, Fio was a faster learner.
It was fun. Fio enjoyed being around Cadie, and learning some of the sign was really interesting. She wanted to learn more, but had sat around in the water long enough. With a small smirk. She moved slightly and suddenly pounced on the male, trying to drag him back into the water. “Ha! Got you!”
Making a surprised noise, more of an ‘urk’ than anything, Cadie fell back in the water with a splash. Grabbing at Fio, he realized belatedly that he was touching her in a rather...intimate place. Moving his hand, he didn’t let her go, liking how close they were. *Sorry,* he sighed, looking embarrassed. Then kissed her.
He didn’t know what prompted this, he was pretty sure she had a boyfriend in the shape of Finn Hudson, his best friend’s crush, but...she was so cute. And just, well, he liked her. A lot.
Of all the things to have happen, Fio hadn't thought of this. Sure, Cadie was cute, but he was one of her best friends. The kiss was a surprise, but she liked it and without even realizing it, she was kissing back lightly.
Rude comments interrupted them and Cadie pulled away just a little, blushing. Biting his lip, his brown eyes met hers, making sure it was okay. She hadn’t slapped him or tried to get away. That was a good start.
Fio glanced up to him, confusion prominent in her eyes. Cadie had kissed her, and she had liked it. Her cheeks were a soft pink. “Cadie... I...” She bit her bottom lip and looked down. What was she doing? She had a boyfriend!
*Yes?* he asked, smiling a little. She had tasted pretty good, despite the chlorine. He had probably tasted the same. Letting her go, he leaned back, getting his hair wet and out of his face.
Fio swallowed and blushed a little more. She like him with his hair wet and slicked back. “I have to go.... I’ll see you at school.” She said before quickly moving away from him and towards the stairs.
Yeah. He’d messed up. Shit.