Want a taste of OldSkool (tm!) Dungeons & Dragons style gaming?

Jul 20, 2010 13:39

Want a taste of OldSkool (tm!) Dungeons & Dragons style gaming?

Lately I’ve been reliving a lot of Role Playing Game nostalgia. I’m curious about whether they would be more fun with cool adults, who find the whole concept as silly, yet fun, as I do. No heavy dice crunching, no worshiping the rules (fun >> correct), and want to share the heavy lifting of collaboratively creating adventures!

If this sounds like you, read the notice below.


“Rising tensions between the town of Ashton and kobolds in the nearby hills boiled over last week, when the body of local farmboy was found hacked apart. The local is offering a bounty for those brave enough to end this kobold menace once and for all.”

This will be a more beer than dice sort of affair, with light rules, smart players who aren't taking themselves all that seriously.

Do you remember when the gaming table was full of pizza and soda, not rulebooks, miniatures and dungeon tiles? Do you yearn for a role-playing game that doesn't require weight training to carry all the books? Do you want to be able to hold all the rules in your head - or in your back pocket? And do you still want to use all those lovely monsters, adventures and game worlds too? So do we!! -- Greywulf

Fine details
- No experience necessary.
- rules / stats lite
- probably will be based on the Microlite20 streamlined rules engine (http://www.microlite20.net)
- authentic interactions, good role-playing, and shared content creation rewarded.
- bring snacks and a good attitude. Dice and copies of rules provided.
- my biases: Rule of Cool wins. I hate dice. I encourage secrets. Combat is dangerous. Characters who have more ambitious goals than “kill everything and take their stuff” prosper. Flawed characters are opportunities for fun! Good and Evil are local perspectives.

Other options.... if people would rather do a sci-fi / post-apocalyptic sort of thing (using the free Encounter Critical) game, or some crunchier SF (using combat-lite versions of Traveller)


Contact me (or comment) and lets set something up!
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