Fanfic Rec: "Name Game" (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Jun 09, 2007 19:57

It seems like sometimes, when starting to read fanfic in a fandom in which I'm really not expecting to find any kind of a gem among the bad and mediocre and all right, I jinx it in a positive way by thinking so, and something so much better than the best thing I could have imagined will show up and hit me in the face. I was absolutely dumbfounded when I came across this story. As I read it I just continued to be in disbelief I was reading a PotC fanfic, and something like that was giving me a perpetual choked-up feeling in my throat.

This is written in a very unconventional, out-there style, and it's the kind of thing that the writer has made so her own that a little OOC-ness feels justified. What it comes down to is it's a totally different genre than the movies themselves, more of a serious drama, so the characters appear as slightly different versions of themselves that are more suitable for that kind of story, but are still very recognizable as Jack, Barbossa, Norrington, etc.

At the end of the day this can be called a Jack/Liz fic, but it's really just about Elizabeth's life. It's about her relationships with both of the men she's loved, and makes both beautiful, even if tragic. It's about her relationships with her son and the people who surprisingly became real friends to her. And it's about the courage and dignity of surviving as well as knowing when it's time to die.

Title: Name Game
Author: alchemistc
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Elizabeth/Will, Barbossa, Marty, and others thrown in here and there
Summary: Elizabeth is far from alone in the years following her marriage.
Link: Who says there was only one?

potc fic & meta: recs, potc fic & meta, potc

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