Fan Essay Rec: "Why 'At World's End' Is One Big J/E Fest" (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Jun 01, 2007 04:59

In one part of their audio commentary on the DVD of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, screenwriters Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio joke, "There seems to be some foreshadowing here with Jack first appearing in the movie inside a coffin. But of course, we know there are no literary devices in these summer movies. Come on."

Haha. Right. Of course not.

And yet, crazily enough, it is in the PotC fandom that I have found myself, for the first time, so much more interested in the meta, the interpretation and analysis parts of fan posts and discussions, than actual artwork or fic. OMG. No way. It's madness. These are just Disney movies, for God sake. And yet people with some damn brilliant minds like dollsome make observations about lines with possible double meanings, symbols, and significant connections in them that make the English major in me salivate.

This analysis of At World's End explains how even though the movie had a typical, obligatory Disney ending as far as the romance aspect was concerned and the love triangle seemed to be totally done away with, if you read between the lines, the real love story of Pirates of the Caribbean is between Jack and Elizabeth. And no, this is not delusional justification like that of Sirius/Remus shippers who absolutely refuse to listen to anyone tell them there is not substantial evidence of the relationship in canon. Some of the speculations in it I do personally think are a little far-fetched, and I certainly do not agree with every bit of it. But even so, there are many points made in it that absolutely blew my mind and made me immediately want to see the movie again to look at it through a different lens.

"Why At World's End is One Big Jack/Elizabeth Fest"
by dollsome

potc fic & meta: recs, potc fic & meta, potc

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