Oct 12, 2005 20:31
Now, given my newfound mental health, I believe it is time to overhaul the other aspects of my life more pertainig to physical health. I no longer have a reason to wallow in my self destructive tendencies, so that means I really have no excuse not to floss my teeth, eat right and excercise regularly rather than sporadically. I've been known to do those things in the past, but never really at the same time, so we'll see how this goes. If things go really well, I'll take it to another level and try to keep my room clean.
Also, here is something I wrote pretty much out of the blue:
This is a fail safe way to tell how shitty a chick is being. Imagine a set of axes. On the x axis (measures rationality), 100 is "blubbering vagina," and 0 is "man with a vagina." The y axis is a 100 point scale of bitchiness, or as I like to call it the "cocky cunt" scale. Plot how a girl is acting on the axes and then measure the line from the origin and you have a completely objective way of telling how shitty she's being. For men, 0 is just "man with a dick," 100 is "blubbering vagina with a dick," and the y axis measures how much of a "cocky asshole" he's being. This cannot fail. All people sometimes take little forays into blubbering vaginadom, but the cool ones spend most of their time as a man (with either a dick or a vagina) on the rationality scale and very close to 0 on the cocky cunt or cocky asshole scales.
PS: my roommates got mad about my (completely tongue in cheek) "Celebrate Intolerance" poster. It's really too bad they're blubbering vaginas sometimes.