live journal post redux - now with real live content!

Jun 21, 2006 23:12

Sorry for the complete lameness of this morning - I had exactly 3 minutes between finishing a data analysis training session and our first subject arriving and I did *promise* to post on Wednesday and somehow 3 minutes was just enough time for a bad pun.

What I would have posted about if I'd had a little more time to be calm, cool and collected (and I know you expect nothing less of me) is how much I have loved my little fly-by visit to Cambridge. Some random highlights of which were:

1. Seeing this poster:
in the Infinite Corridor. Only at MIT. *fondsigh*

2. Making it up to Kotobukiya at the Porter Exchange. It's the only place in the world I've ever found these totally scrumptious cooked salmon and plum paste rice balls (the nori and the filling are separated by plastic, so the nori stays crisp right up until you assemble it, and they are so yummy). I've been craving one for months and months.

3. Finding a Diane von Furstenburg silk drape dress at The Garment District that fits perfectly for $36. I'll wear it to the wedding reception I'm attending this weekend. I'll no doubt spill red wine all over it. *g*

4. My absolutely gorgeous run along the Charles this morning. I've been running on the treadmill at the gym for a couple weeks and deriving great satisfaction from the fact I've been so good about going every day and getting a little fitter and all, but not actually loving the running for running's sake part. This morning, I fell in love again. 17 hrs later I'm still blissed out about it.

5. Dinner with annakovsky & moireach at Punjabi Dhaba at Inman Sq. Anytime I get to spend with kov and mo is quality time, but add in fabulous food and a perfect summer evening and the fact they both managed to refrain from smacking me when I said I didn't like Sufjan Stevens, and it was totally awesome. :-)

6. Bringing a minion grad student with me to help me run experiments. Delegating is the BEST THING EVER! I *rock* at delegating.

And now it's only one hour till fitofpique's birthday. I'll be thinking happy birthday thoughts for you all day tomorrow, petal, while I drive up to Montreal.

boston, things that rawk, travel

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