Oops! I just realised that the last post I made here was before leaving for New York. Close to a month ago. Just to clarify: I am still alive and I did actually come back from New York (unwillingly). And then I went to San Fransisco. And I eventually came back from there too (also with great regret). And then I caught a cold. Or it might be allergies. And this weekend I will go to Montreal.
Somewhere in the midst of all that I've read several books about science or scientific history, bought several pairs of fabulous shoes,
died my hair red, given a very successful 3hr guest lecture, thought a lot about different kinds of ignorance, watched exactly no tv at all, thought a lot about the mechanisms allowing morphological information extraction by the early visual system, worn jeans for the first time since October, and discovered the tremendously excellent new moisturizer/bronzer/sunscreen from Neutrogena (3 in 1! Hurrah! Hurrah!). Also, I think I'm all set for an apartment to live in next year. I should be able to sign the lease on Monday.
I hope you've all been doing brilliantly, fabulously, exciting things these past 3 weeks as well. Carry on. :-)
In other news, the OED word of the day today is twoc. Apparently it's British slang meaning 'to steal (a car) for the purposes of joyriding'. As in: 2001 Max Power Dec. 53/2 "Don't label all of us with the same brush, as me and my mate don't TWOC cars, we just smash them up and burn them out."
I do love this crazy language of ours. :-)
Speaking of, what would you say was the past tense of 'lip-sync'? MSU undergrads apparently think it's lip-sank (or possibly lip-sanc - they wouldn't commit to a spelling). Does anyone else prefer this to lip-synced?